Where: Afghanistan 

Area of Work: Education, Youth, Women, Peace and Security

Make Mothers Matter (MMM) was approached by Afghan mothers to help safeguard the right to girls¡¯ education at a critical time in Afghanistan. In response to their request for international support, and in collaboration with them, MMM launched the #RaiseAPen campaign. Education is a fundamental human right under targeted attack as the Kabul High School tragedy which claimed more than 85 young girls' lives demonstrated to the world. According to MMM, alerted by the #RaiseAPen campaign, the European Parliament acted with a resolution adopted at a recent Plenary session linking European financial aid for the country to Afghan women and girls¡¯ human rights, specifically their right to education. The linkage to EU funds is crucial and has the potential to impact the future of millions of Afghan girls and women. The subject was further discussed at the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights where prominent Afghan women speakers reinforced their commitment to the issue: "Our fight is to use pens, our minds and the strength of our words". Pens were raised amongst others, by the HRVP of the European Commission J. Borrell. These are important steps in the right direction and a stimulus to continue working to ensure that all girls in Afghanistan enjoy education, including higher education, without fear of life or persecution. A whole network of Afghan women are partnering with the campaign, following each gain, as they need international awareness and support.

Video provided by Make Mothers Matter 



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