Juan Jos¨¦ G¨®mez Camacho (left), Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UN, and J¨¹rg Lauber, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN, Co-facilitators for the Global Compact on Migration process, hold up the final draft of the document. © UN Photo/Mark Garten
Statements on the GA Adoption of the GCM
General Assembly Officially Adopts Roadmap
GCM Conference — Plenary Statements
Closing Plenary Statements
Statement by Louise Arbour - closing remarks at the GCM
Opening Plenary Statements
Ms. Cheryl Perera, founder of OneChild and representative from the migrant community
Plenary Statements - States (*all PDF
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Secretary-General's opening statement at the 1st Plenary meeting
- Afghanistan (English)
- Albania (English)
- Algeria (Arabic)
- Andorra (French)
- Argentina (Spanish)
- Azerbaijan (English)
- Bahamas (English)
- Bahrain (English)
- Bangladesh (English)
- Belarus (Russian)
- Benin (French)
- Bolivia (Spanish)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina (English)
- Brazil (French)
- Burkina Faso (French)
- Cabo Verde (French)
- Cambodia (English)
- Cameroon (French)
- Canada (English/French)
- China (English)
- Colombia (Spanish)
- Comoros (French)
- Costa Rica (Spanish)
- C?te D'Ivoire (French)
- Croatia (English)
- Cuba (Spanish)
- Denmark (English)
- Djibouti (French)
- Ecuador (Spanish)
- Egypt (Arabic)
- El Salvador (Spanish)
- Equatorial Guinea (Spanish)
- Eritrea (English)
- Ethiopia (English)
- Finland (English)
- France (French)
- Gabon (French)
- Georgia (English)
- Germany (English)
- Ghana (English)
- Greece (English)
- Grenada (English)
- Guatemala (Spanish)
- Guinea (French)
- Guinea Bissau (French)
- Guyana (English)
- Haiti (French)
- Holy See (English)
- Honduras (Spanish)
- Iceland (English)
- India (English)
- Indonesia (English)
- Iran (English)
- Ireland (English)
- Jamaica (English)
- Japan (English)
- Jordan (Arabic)
- Kazakhistan (Russian)
- Kenya (English)
- Lao (English)
- Lebanon (Arabic)
- Lesotho (English)
- Libya (Arabic)
- Liechtenstein (English)
- Luxembourg (French)
- Macedonia (English)
- Madacascar (French)
- Malawi (English)
- Mali (French)
- Malta (English)
- Marshall Islands (English)
- Mauritania (Arabic)
- Mexico (Spanish)
- Moldova (English)
- Monaco (French)
- Montenegro (English)
- Mozambique (English)
- Namibia (English)
- Netherlands (English)
- Niger (French)
- Norway (English)
- Pakistan (English)
- Panama (Spanish)
- Papua New Guinea (English)
- Paraguay (Spanish)
- Peru (Spanish)
- Philippines (English)
- Portugal (English)
- Qatar (Arabic)
- Russia (English)
- Rwanda (English)
- San Marino (English)
- Senegal (French)
- Serbia (English)
- Sierra Leone (English)
- Singapore (English)
- Slovenia (English)
- South Africa (English)
- South Soudan (English)
- Spain (Spanish)
- Sri Lanka (English)
- St. Kitts and Nevis (English)
- Sudan (Arabic)
- Suriname (English)
- Sweden (English)
- Syria (Arabic)
- Tanzania (English)
- Thailand (English)
- Tunisia (Arabic)
- Turkey (English)
- Turkmenistan (Russian)
- Tuvalu (English)
- Uganda (English)
- United Arab Emirates (English)
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (English)
- Uruguay (Spanish)
- Venezuela (Spanish)
- Vietnam (English)
- Zambia (English)
- Zimbabwe (English)
Plenary Statements - entities and organizations (*all PDF
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- Arab League (Arabic)
- Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) (English)
- Education International (English)
- Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Ind¨ªgenas de Am¨¦rica Latina y El Caribe (FILAC) (Spanish)
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (English)
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (English)
- International Organisation of Employers (IOE) (English)
- Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) (English)
- La-Francophonie (French)
- M¨¦decins Sans Fronti¨¨res (MSF) International (English)
- OHCHR (English)
- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) (English)
- Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) (English)
- Sovereign Order of Malta (English)
- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (English)
- UCL-lancet (English)
- UNDP (English)
- UN Environment (English)
- UNHCR (English)
- UNICEF (English)
- UNODC (English)
- WHO (English)
GCM Conference — Statements & Remarks at the Dialogues
* Check against delivery (*all PDF ).
- Remarks by Dr. Madeleine K. Albright (English)
- Statement by Michelle Bachelet, High Commissioner for Human Rights (English)
- Statement by His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See (English)
- Bah¨¢'¨ª International Community (English)
- Centre for European and International Policy Action (English)
- Dr. Tendayi Bloom on behalf of the Academic Council on the United Nations System and The Open University (English)
- International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) (English)
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (English)
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Statement of Francesco Rocca, President (English)
- Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic (English)
- Public Services International (English)
- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) (English)