
Saturday, 16 September 2023, 12:00 - 2:00 pm
United Nations Headquarters, Trusteeship Council Chamber

Organized by UNDESA, in collaboration with (SDSN), (ISC), (WMO), (UNDP) and representatives of the to support the .



The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development stands as a groundbreaking global roadmap for addressing the most pressing challenges facing humanity. At the half-way point to 2030, science, technology and innovation hold enormous promise for enabling the kinds of transformations needed to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ¨C in energy systems, food systems, education, digital infrastructure, just economies, nature and the global commons and other crucial areas as indicated in the Special Edition of the SDG Report and the Global Sustainable Development Report. Addressing institutional and other barriers to knowledge and technology sharing and revolutionizing science, technology and innovation (STI) for sustainability can support a global enabling environment for the SDGs complementing financial reforms and a surge in SDG financing.

The current generation is equipped with unparalleled knowledge, technologies, and resources that can pave the way for transformative change. To achieve extraordinary breakthroughs, and to enable developing countries to deliver on the SDGs, it is vital to forge strong partnerships, both within and across countries, where knowledge flows freely and efficiently. Building trust and partnerships among scientific communities and with other actors whether in government, civil society, or the private sector is crucial for strengthening the science-policy interface and ensuring that the STI lever for transformation works cohesively with other levers, including effective governance, adequate financing, individual and collective action, and capacity-building. This culture of collaboration enhances the plausibility of realizing the ambitious vision set forth by the 2030 Agenda.

Academia plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of sustainable development. As centers of knowledge, research, and learning, universities and higher education institutions harbor a wealth of expertise across diverse disciplines. These institutions act as incubators for cutting-edge research, innovations, and breakthroughs that can be directly applied to the SDGs. Additionally, academia serves as a hub for nurturing future leaders, researchers, and problem solvers. By equipping students in all regions with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to tackle global challenges, higher education institutions play a critical role in cultivating a new generation of changemakers committed to the SDGs.

The objective of the event is to identify and promote concrete opportunities and partnerships for science and academia to accelerate transformations in high impact areas for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. By bringing together policymakers, researchers, academics, and other stakeholders, the event will foster dialogue, share best practices, and identify actionable strategies to advance the implementation of the SDGs. The event will also aim to help advance commitments in the SDG Summit Political Declaration for bridging the science, technology and innovation divides and supporting the responsible use of science, technology, and innovation as drivers of sustainable development.

You can access the live recording of this event on UN Web TV .

For additional information, please contact: jussila@un.org, goranssono@un.org, jordan.friedman@un.org.

For further information on the SDG Action Weekend, please visit our website: /en/conferences/SDGSummit2023/SDG-Action-Weekend .




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