Saturday, 16 September 2023, 12:00 - 2:00 pm and 4:00 - 6:00 pm
United Nations Headquarters, Conference Room 1
Organized by the , , UNDESA, , and the
Local and regional governments have been at the forefront of policies supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, caring for people and the planet, through public service provision, local policy fostering social inclusion, ecological transformation and the creation of alliances and partnerships.
The Local and Regional Government Forum (LRGF) will highlight the commitments of the local and regional government constituency towards the 2030 Agenda. A special focus will be placed on local acceleration and local accountability through the lenses of the 12 transitions and crosscutting enablers of the High Impact Initiatives and their relationship with action taking place at sub-national level. High-impact localization policies and partnerships for the goals currently in place and new innovative commitments will also be announced as well as the specific localization needs and aspirations of local and regional governments to bring SDG implementation back on track.
The Local and Regional Governments Forum will therefore bring together local, regional, and national governments as well as representatives from the United Nations and other stakeholders to announce strong commitments, present coalitions for policy change, and illustrate high-impact localization policies. The Forum will also reflect on the importance of Voluntary Local and Voluntary Subnational Reviews in the acceleration of the implementation of the SDGs as reporting tools but also policy tools. The Forum will provide reflections on the constituency¡¯s priorities and aspirations for the UN Summit of the Future in 2024 and the World Social Summit in 2025.
You can access the live recording of this event on UN Web TV.
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For further information on the SDG Action Weekend, please visit our website: /en/conferences/SDGSummit2023/SDG-Action-Weekend.