High-level Review Meeting on the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Development States
24-25 September 2010, New York
Five years after the adoption of the at an international meeting in Port Louis, Mauritius, a five-year review of that Strategy took place from 24-25 September 2010 during the 65th session of the General Assembly.
The of that General Assemlby meeting acknowledged that small island developing States have "demonstrated their commitment to promoting sustainable development, and will continue to do so" but Member States also noted with concern that "notwithstanding these efforts, small island developing States continue to face sustainable development challenges. The longstanding cooperation and support provided by the international community has played an important role and should play an even more critical role in helping small island developing States to make progress in addressing their vulnerabilities and in supporting their sustainable development efforts."
The Outcome Document also stated that "while small island developing States have progressed in the areas of gender, health, education and the environment, their overall progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals has been uneven. Small island developing States have made less progress than most other groupings, or even regressed, in economic terms, especially in terms of poverty reduction and debt sustainability. Small island developing States have not achieved sustained high levels of economic growth owing in part to the ongoing negative impacts of the financial and economic crisis. The small size, remoteness, narrow resource and export base, and exposure to global environmental challenges of most small island developing States have worked against efforts towards sustainable development."