From a landmark deal to fund conservation to chilling news about greenhouse gas emissions, 2024 was a rollercoaster year for the planet.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) takes us on?a closer look at some of the most memorable environmental moments of the first four?months of the year:?
Hundreds of migratory species in peril?
Nearly half of the migratory species listed in??are in decline, finds??from the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. More than one in five of those species are facing extinction, say researchers, who pin much of the blame on human-induced habitat loss.?
UN lauds groundbreaking efforts to restore nature?
UNEP and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN??seven landmark initiatives that are reviving the natural world. From Pakistan to Peru, the efforts are expected to restore 40 million hectares of landscapes and seascapes and create 500,000 jobs.?
Torrent of trash inundating the planet?
A??finds that municipal waste is set to rise by two-thirds by 2050, with all that rubbish expected to weigh heavily on the environment and human health.?
Technology helps expose murky world of sand dredging??
A new global monitoring system offers??at the shadowy ¨C and environmentally destructive ¨C world of sand dredging. The Marine Sand Watch uses satellite data, ground tracking stations and artificial intelligence to follow dredging ships around the world. Among other things, it finds that 16 per cent of dredging has occurred in marine reserves designed to protect plants and animals.??
UN Environment Assembly brings nations together?
The sixth session of the? comes to a close, with countries agreeing to??designed to protect the planet. Among other things, nations promise to rein in pollution from chemicals, combat desertification, protect the ocean, reduce air pollution and better manage freshwater supplies. The result, observers say, demonstrates that despite deep geopolitical divisions, countries can still work together on the environment.??
UN launches effort to increase sustainability in minerals supply chain??
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres?convenes?a panel charged with developing a set of voluntary global principles covering the use of?. In September, the panel would release a report,?, outlining its recommendations.?