
Closing Remarks at SDG 16 Conference 2024

Your Excellency Madame President of ECOSOC,
Distinguished Director-General of IDLO,
Dear Participants, 
Ladies and gentlemen, 

We have reached the end of this Conference. 

Thank you for making it an incredibly rich event, with engaging and substantive discussions.  Your insights have been invaluable. 

Once again, I would like to thank the Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations and the International Development Law Organization for their partnership in organizing this event.  

This conference has been a call to action to move forward and advance SDG 16 in all its dimensions.  

Interventions have highlighted the complexity of the task, but also made clear that solutions already exist to many of the current challenges.  

In many areas, progress will require enhanced capacities in public institutions at the national level.  This is relevant, for example, to the generation, collection and use of data, the functioning of justice systems, and public financial management.  Enhanced coordination and collaboration across government entities will also be needed.  More broadly, adopting whole-of-society approaches and empowering non-government actors can help restore the links of trust between people and public institutions.  

Perhaps more than anything else, progress will require political will, and in many areas, will require collaboration and cooperation across jurisdictions.  

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Today¡¯s conversation does not end here.  I expect this dialogue to continue and bear fruit later this year, including at the High-level Political Forum and the Summit of the Future. 

Progressing on SDG 16 is a necessary condition for achieving the 2030 Agenda. 

Thank you very much. 

File date: 
Monday, May 6, 2024

Mr. Junhua Li