Your Excellency, Ambassador Amorin, Chair of the Second Committee,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Congratulations on concluding the main deliberations of the Second Committee.
The Committee has achieved impressive results.
Working under difficult geopolitical circumstances, you have remained focused on addressing the challenges within your remit.
Mr. Chair,
On financing, the endorsement of the Secretary-General's call for an SDG Stimulus plan is a big step forward.
We can all agree that we must make available additional resources for sustainable development.
A ¡°great finance divide¡± continues to curtail the ability of many developing countries to invest in a sustainable and transformative recovery.
This deep concern has been echoed in some of the resolutions you have adopted. This includes those dealing with financing for development, debt, and countries in special situations.
The Committee is breaking new ground towards promotion of inclusive and effective international tax cooperation.
And very significantly, you have welcomed the offer of the Government of Spain to host the fourth international Conference on Financing for Development in 2025. There is agreement on a detailed plan of preparation for this crucial conference.
On eradicating poverty and addressing hunger, the Committee reiterated its call for integrated and coherent poverty eradication policies.
On trade, you have underlined the importance of enhancing the capacity of the multilateral trading system, in the context of the multiple challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In addressing the needs of groups of countries in special situations, the work on a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index benefitted from much support and appreciation from delegations. Measuring progress in development must go far beyond the use of GDP, and economic growth rates, as a proxy for human progress and resilience.
You also gave needed focus to implementation of the Doha Programme of Action, and the continued preparations for milestone conferences on landlocked developing countries and Small Island Developing States in 2024.
Distinguished delegates,
With COP 28 just days away, you have brought forward the global dialogue on protecting our planet. Many of the resolutions adopted here, directly, or indirectly, would help with our response to the planetary burden of increasing temperatures.
Beyond climate action your deliberations have also guided the way forward on issues of biodiversity loss, desertification, coastal zone management and sustainable consumption and production, just to name a few.
Mr. Chair,
We must never lose track of the road to 2030.
Each year, the work of this Committee underlines the holistic relationship of its various agenda items. Climate action and achieving sustainable development have become closely intertwined with global macro-economic policy, international trade, and development finance.
Taken altogether, they comprise a detailed way forward, in the spirit of the Political Declaration adopted at the 2023 SDG Summit.
Your work has demonstrated that we stand united in the vision of the 2030 Agenda.
Mr. Chair,
I would like to thank you and the Bureau for your excellent leadership and to reaffirm the commitment of DESA and the entire United Nations system to support Member States in achieving all internationally agreed development goals.
I thank you.