
Recover Better: Economic and Social Challenges and Opportunities


In a world challenged by intertwined crises, the Members of the High-level Advisory Board on Economic and Social Affairs (HLAB) offer fresh new ideas that can prevent new pandemics while achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a volume of policy briefs, ¡°Recover Better: Economic and Social Challenges and Opportunities,¡± issued by UN DESA in July 2020.

The collection of seven expert-written essays from HLAB members offers new guidance for rebuilding societies in a fairer, more inclusive way. The volume provides outside-the-box thinking and new solutions to some of this era¡¯s most pressing tests. The authors advance ideas on issues that include improving international tax cooperation, more equitable access to digital technological advances, and sustainable natural resource management that complement the broader recommendations of the Secretary-General regarding shared responsibility and global solidarity in responding to the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19.

The observations and recommendations outlined in ¡°Recover Better,¡± some of which offer region-specific suggestions, can inform COVID-19 responses so that countries build back better and avoid returning to a pre-pandemic pathway, where progress towards important objectives such as ending extreme poverty and limiting global temperature rise was not rapid enough..

The production of this publication is supported by the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund.



"Recover Better" launch event

22 July 2020: Launch of the HLAB's new volume, "Recover Better: Economic and Social Challenges and Opportunities"

On 22 July 2020, UN DESA and the United Nations High-level Advisory Board on Economic and Social Affairs (HLAB) launched the Board's new volume, "Recover Better: Economic and Social Challenges and Opportunities." This online dialogue aimed to answer questions including, "Are we in a recession?" What should countries do to recover better? Is a green recovery possible?

The event was broadcast live, and recordings can be accessed via  and on Facebook at .