
Closing Remarks at 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to first congratulate everyone on a successful and fruitful 2023 ECOSOC Partnership Forum.

My deep gratitude goes to the President of the ECOSOC for her outstanding leadership in championing meaningful stakeholder engagement and partnership-building in the work of the Council.


Dear colleagues,

Today¡¯s ECOSOC Partnership Forum has offered an inspiring opportunity for Member States and stakeholders to come together and jointly discuss the priorities for the year ahead.

We have heard many new ideas on how we could raise our collective ambition and make this year a turning point for the Sustainable Development Goals, as we are gearing up our preparations for both the July session of the High-level political forum on sustainable development, and the SDG summit in September.

Participants also had the opportunity to hear from the Co-chairs of Independent Group of Scientists that are preparing the 2023 edition of the Global Sustainable Development Report. The Co-Chairs shared a number of valuable insights on how we could leverage the many interlinkages that exist between the SDGs, including through synergistic partnerships.

We have heard repeated calls from stakeholders across different sectors and regions for stronger political commitment and international cooperation, given that the SDGs are seriously off track.

A common message that emerged from today¡¯s interventions is that we need to close, as a matter of priority, our financing, capacity, data and development opportunity gaps through a revitalized global partnership.

The importance of broad-based participation and engagement of all, including women and the most vulnerable populations, was repeatedly stressed.

Many noted that those who are left the furthest behind are often the ones who have the weakest capacities to engage and partner effectively.

We need more support to capacity-building to enable the meaningful participation of everyone, including those in the Least Developed Countries.

I am confident that the ideas and examples shared today will help inform the upcoming fifth United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries in March.


Dear friends,

The year 2030 is no longer distant.

Governments, UN system and stakeholders across all sectors, we all need to double down on our efforts to make the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs a reality for all.  

We need a renewed sense of focus and decisiveness.

We must create more opportunities for constructive multistakeholder engagement and increase our impact through effective partnerships.

The time to act is now.


Thank you.


File date: 
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Mr. Junhua Li