Remarks Group of Friends for Sustainable Energy on the Global Stocktaking on SDG 7 Sustainable Energy |
2024-03-18 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at Briefing by the Brazilian G20 Presidency to the General Assembly |
2024-03-12 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Commission on the Status of Women, Sixty-eighth session Side event organized by the Permanent Mission of Iran to the United Nations “Economic Empowerment of Women: The Family Enhancement, and Social Development” |
2024-03-12 |
Virtual |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at Shaping the Future of Small Island Developing States |
2024-03-04 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Opening remarks at 55th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission |
2024-02-27 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Opening Remarks to the IGF 2024 First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting |
2024-02-27 |
Virtual |
Mr. Junhua Li
Opening Remarks at First (2024) Face-to-Face Meeting of the IGF Leadership Panel |
2024-02-24 |
Virtual |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at The Organizational Session of The Preparatory Committee for The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development |
2024-02-22 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at Organizational Session of the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation |
2024-02-20 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at 6th Ethnosport Forum |
2024-02-16 |
Virtual |
Mr. Junhua Li
Opening Remarks at 62nd Commission for Social Development – CsocD62 Civil Society Forum |
2024-02-09 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at Side event organized by Qatar and the Doha International Family Institute (DIFI) Navigating the Digital Landscape: Fostering Resilient Families in a Transforming World |
2024-02-06 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Opening Remarks at Commission for Social Development Sixty-second session |
2024-02-05 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Closing Remarks at 2024 ECOSOC Coordination Segment |
2024-02-01 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Opening Remarks at ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2024 side event “Resilient prosperity: Strategic Partnerships to Advancing Science, Technology, and Innovation in Small Island Developing States.” |
2024-01-30 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Closing Remarks at 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum |
2024-01-30 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at Preparatory Committee for the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States |
2024-01-26 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Video Message Preparatory Committee for the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States |
2024-01-22 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at Meeting on SIDS4 Preparatory Committee |
2024-01-16 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at Meeting of the Board of Advisors on Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States |
2024-01-15 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
"Central Asia Facing Environmental Challenges: Fostering Regional Solidarity for Sustainable Development and Prosperity" Uzbekistan’s National TV broadcast |
2023-12-20 |
Mr. Junhua Li
Keynote at the Digital Government Forum, Riyadh |
2023-12-19 |
Other |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at “Jointly Forging a Global Development Partnership, Accelerating the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” Fourth China and International Development Forum (CAID Forum) |
2023-12-15 |
China |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks Recording of video containing pledges for Human Rights 75 – High Level Event |
2023-12-11 |
Geneva |
Mr. Junhua Li
Video Message Global Energy Interconnection: Advancing Just and Inclusive Energy Transition Hosted by GEIDCO |
2023-12-05 |
Virtual |
Mr. Junhua Li
Remarks at COP28 SIDS Side Event co-hosted by UN-DESA and Greening the Islands: Small Islands leading the way towards 100% renewables |
2023-12-05 |
Mr. Junhua Li
Inauguration Ceremony Regional Hub on Big Data and Data Science for Asia and the Pacific in support of the United Nations Global Platform |
2023-11-24 |
Jakarta, Indonesia, Virtual |
Mr. Junhua Li
Opening Remarks On the occasion of the World Sustainable Transport Day Event co-organized by DESA and ECE as mandated by General Assembly resolution A/RES/77/286 |
2023-11-24 |
Geneva |
Mr. Junhua Li
Closing Remarks Second Committee meeting |
2023-11-22 |
New York |
Mr. Junhua Li
Opening Remarks at United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Transport Organized by DESA and ECE in Geneva, Switzerland |
2023-11-22 |
Geneva |
Mr. Junhua Li