
Displaying 361 - 390 of 1715
Title Date Location Speaker
Closing Remarks at Second Committee 2021-11-23 New York

Ms. Spatolisano

Remarks at Launch Event “Series of Publications on the Contribution of UNCLOS for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS” 2021-11-16 Virtual

Ms. Spatolisano

Opening Remarks Addressing the Risk of Wildfires to Contribute to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation UNFFS/ DESA SDG Pavilion Event at UNFCC COP26 2021-11-08 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Opening Remarks High-Level Dialogue of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests: Upscaling Actions to Turn the Tide on Deforestation 2021-11-06 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Opening Remarks: “The Island Bright Spots Event Series: Fostering Island-led Local Action into Global Coalitions Episode 2: Spotlight on Nature based solutions contribution to climate adaptation benefits for improved fisheries and food security in SIDS" 2021-11-06 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Keynote Address Advancing Implementation of the Paris Agreement Through Making Progress Towards the Global Forest Goals 2021-11-05 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Welcome remarks at Side event: On the Road to Lisbon: The 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference 2021-11-05 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Opening Remarks at COP26 Side Event: “Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Impacts in SIDS – Financing Action and Support” 2021-11-04 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Welcoming Remarks at Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions supporting Climate Change Objectives during the Decade of Action and Beyond 2021-11-04 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Remarks at Vienna Discussion Forum 2021-11-04 Virtual

Ms. Spatolisano

Opening Remarks at the Pivotal Role of Green Financing to meet the Paris Agreement targets and deliver the Sustainable Development Goals 2021-11-03 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Remarks Side Event at Water & Climate Pavilion at COP26 Enhancing Capacity of Landlocked Developing Countries to Address Climate Change, Energy and Water-related Challenges during COVID-19 Era: Experiences and Solutions 2021-11-03 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Closing Statement Joint Meeting of GA Second Committee and the Economic and Social Council 2021-10-20 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Keynote Remarks at the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Financing for Development, Third Session 2021-10-20 Virtual

Elliott Harris

Introductory Statement Thematic Session 5: Policies for Sustainable Transport Second UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference 2021-10-16 Beijing, China

Mr. Liu

Closing Remarks Second UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference 2021-10-16 Beijing, China

Mr. Liu

Closing remarks at Ministers’ Forum Second UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference 2021-10-15 Beijing, China

Mr. Liu

Remarks Opening and 1st plenary meeting Second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference 2021-10-14 Beijing, China

Mr. Liu

Closing Keynote at GESDA Annual Summit, Geneva, Switzerland Opening Plenary 2021-10-07 Geneva

Ms. Spatolisano

Statement Opening Of The Third Committee Of The General Assembly 2021 2021-10-06 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Opening of the Second Committee 2021 2021-10-05 Virtual

Mr. Liu

35th UN-Water Meeting Open Session 2021-10-04 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Remarks at “Workshop on Accelerating the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda and AU Agenda 2063 in Africa: Building Resilient Institutions for the SDGs in the time of COVID-19 2021-09-28

Ms. Spatolisano

Principals-Level Meeting Of The Inter-Agency Task Force On Financing For Development Opening Remarks 2021-09-27 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Principals-Level Meeting Of The Inter-Agency Task Force On Financing For Development Closing Remarks 2021-09-27 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Remarks at “Uplifting women and girls through access to education, financial inclusion and economic empowerment” 2021-09-27 Virtual

Ms. Spatolisano

2021 Sustainable Development Forum “People-Centered Sustainable Development” 2021-09-26 Beijing, China, Virtual

Mr. Liu

Opening Remarks 2021 World Internet Conference WuZhen Summit Opening Ceremony 2021-09-26 Virtual

Mr. Liu

Keynote Address at The Decade of Action: From climate targets to Implementation - How digitalization can accelerate the progress towards achieving the Paris climate Accords and SDG 13 2021-09-22 New York, Virtual

Elliott Harris

Remarks at UN DESA Editorial Board Online Training Series Gender Mainstreaming in DESA’s analytical work 2021-09-09 New York

Ms. Spatolisano