“Taking stock of ongoing ocean-related initiatives in light of the COVID-19 pandemic: toward enhanced inter-agency coordination and cooperation on ocean and coastal issues beyond 2020” |
2020-12-10 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Remarks at the UN-Energy Principals Meeting on the High-level Dialogue on Energy in 2021 |
2020-12-09 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Inauguration Ceremony Regional Hub for Big Data in China in support of the United Nations Global Platform |
2020-12-07 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
13th session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Statement for the Segment on the Interactive Dialogue with the United Nations System |
2020-12-03 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Opening Remarks Launch of Publication and Second Open Call for SDG Good Practices |
2020-12-02 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Welcoming remarks 3rd meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on Model Indicators on Sport and the SDGs |
2020-12-02 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
FAO virtual side-event on “Transforming agri-food systems and fostering inclusive rural development in the context of COVID-19 to end rural poverty” At the Special Session of the General Assembly in response to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic |
2020-12-02 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Remarks Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the World Summit for Social Development |
2020-12-01 |
New York |
Mr. Liu
Remarks New York Mission Briefing The Decade of Healthy Ageing (2020-2030) |
2020-11-17 |
Virtual |
Ms. Spatolisano
Closing Remarks 15th Annual Internet Governance Forum Internet Governance in the Age of Uncertainty CLOSING SESSION |
2020-11-17 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Opening Remarks Webinar on Investing in SDG14 |
2020-11-10 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
First Formal Meeting of Independent Group of Scientists of the Global Sustainable Development Report 2023 |
2020-11-10 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
15th Annual Internet Governance Forum Parliamentary Roundtable at IGF 2020 Building Trust in a time of COVID-19 response and Post-COVID-19 Recovery |
2020-11-10 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Opening Remarks at the 15th Annual Internet Governance Forum Internet Governance in the Age of Uncertainty Opening Session |
2020-11-09 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Remarks at the T20 Summit Keynote Panel Reshaping from the Ground Up in the New Normal - The Role of International Institutions |
2020-10-31 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Welcome remarks First global webinar for the 2021 HLPF VNRs |
2020-10-26 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Keynote remarks Closing of the 2020 virtual United Nations World Data Forum |
2020-10-21 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Welcoming Remarks Global Knowledge Platform on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions |
2020-10-21 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Remarks at Closing Joint Event of the Second Committee and Ecosoc |
2020-10-14 |
Virtual |
Mr. Liu
Statement Opening of the Third Committee of the General Assembly |
2020-10-08 |
New York |
Mr. Liu
Remarks Second Committee United Nations General Assembly 75th Session Economic and Financial Committe “Building back better after COVID-19: restoring a more equitable global economy, inclusive societies and sustainable recovery”. |
2020-10-05 |
New York |
Mr. Liu
Remarks at the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of Like-minded Group of Countries Supporters of Middle-Income Countries COVID-19: Its impact on MICs and its effect on their prospects for sustainable development |
2020-10-02 |
Virtual |
Elliott Harris
Closing Remarks --- 2020 Mont Blanc Meetings |
2020-10-01 |
Virtual |
Ms. Spatolisano
Remarks --- Report on the United Nations High-level Political Forum 2020: Japan’s Role in Recovery from COVID-19 Pandemic and Achievement of SDGs |
2020-09-30 |
Virtual |
Ms. Spatolisano
Opening Remarks Webinar “Forests: at the heart of a green recovery from COVID-19” |
2020-09-28 |
New York |
Mr. Liu
Remarks “Poverty Eradication and South-South Cooperation” High-level Video Conference |
2020-09-26 |
China |
Mr. Liu
Opening Remarks Ministerial Roundtable Biodiversity Beyond 2020: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth |
2020-09-24 |
New York |
Mr. Liu
Opening Address at 2020 SDG Business Forum Session II: Reducing Inequalities through Principled Leadership |
2020-09-23 |
New York |
Mr. Liu
Opening Session China Center for International Economic Exchanges The Sixth Global Think Tank Summit |
2020-09-23 |
New York |
Mr. Liu
Closing Remarks SDG Business Forum Breakout Session “The Ocean and the 2030 Agenda: the UN Ocean Conference as a key milestone” |
2020-09-23 |
Virtual |
Ms. Spatolisano