
Displaying 151 - 180 of 1715
Title Date Location Speaker
Closing Remarks Second Committee meeting 2023-11-22 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening Remarks at United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Transport Organized by DESA and ECE in Geneva, Switzerland 2023-11-22 Geneva

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening remarks at UNDESA & UNOSD Workshop on “From Lisbon to Nice: Implementing SDG14 with Communities of Ocean Action” 2023-11-14 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening Session of Global Development Initiative Digital Cooperation Forum 2023-11-09 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening Ceremony of World Internet Conference, Wuzhen Summit 2023-11-08 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Remarks at Launch of World Openness Report 2023 2023-11-05 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Video Message for International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum 2023-11-02 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Workshop on Strengthening Institutional Capacities in Africa for Effective Implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063: Follow-up to the 2023 SDG Summit 2023-10-26 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening Remarks at Presentation of Awards 2022 United Nations Public Service Awards 2023-10-24 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening of the High-Level 15th Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum in Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2023-10-24 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening Remarks at Opening Session of 18th Internet Governance Forum, Kyoto 2023-10-09 Japan

Mr. Junhua Li

Video Message for Second International Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power 2023-10-09 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Remarks at Opening of the Second Committee 2023-10-02 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Remarks at Opening of the Third Committee 2023 78th session of the General Assembly 2023-09-28 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

2023 Global Energy Interconnection Conference (Video Message) 2023-09-25 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening Remarks at Global Sustainable Transport Forum 2023 2023-09-25 Virtual

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening statement at Club de Madrid “Action Lab” on the margins of the 78th General Assembly 2023-09-22 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening Statement at Meeting of the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development 2023-09-20 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Closing Statement at Meeting of the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development 2023-09-20 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Closing Remarks at High-level Meeting on Global Development Initiatives Cooperation Outcomes GDI for SDGs: Action and Progress 2023-09-19 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Closing Segment Remarks at Overview of the Leaders' Dialogues and other Summit components 2023-09-19 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Remarks at Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Friends of Decent Work for Sustainable Development 2023-09-18 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Closing Remarks at Session on the High Impact Initiative on the SDG Stimulus 2023-09-17 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Opening Remarks at 2023 SDG Summit Side Event on Industrial Sustainability 2023-09-17 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Closing Remarks at High Impact Initiative on Power of Data: Unlocking the Data Dividend for the SDGs 2023-09-17 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Remarks at Opening of the SDG Summit side event: Accelerating SDG Progress through National Financing Strategies and INFFs 2023-09-17 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Closing Remarks at UN-Energy Principals Meeting 2023-09-13 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

Remarks at 2023 United Nations Day for South-South cooperation 2023-09-12 New York

Mr. Junhua Li

XVIII World Water Congress "Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature" 2023-09-11 Beijing, China

Mr. Junhua Li

Remarks at Opening of the 3rd International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals 2023-09-06 China

Mr. Junhua Li