
Statement on Behalf of the Secretary-General of the United Nations at the Closing Plenary Session of the Follow-Up International Conference to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus

The Secretary-General regrets very much not being able to bewith us at this closing plenary meeting today. Therefore, on behalf ofthe Secretary-General, I would like to say just a few words.

First, to reiterate our deep gratitude to the Emir, governmentand people of Qatar, for their generous hospitality and the excellentarrangements they have made for holding this Conference. Our people atthe United Nations have been working closely with the Qatariauthorities for several months, in order to make this happen. And wehave consistently been shown extraordinary cooperation and adisposition to spare no effort to make this Conference a great success.

And a great success it has been. We can now safely say thatthe document that has just been adopted represents an importantmilestone in the struggle for development, and that it adds significantvalue to what we achieved in Monterrey almost seven years ago. On everyaspect of the financing for development agenda, we can identify areasin which there has been progress. Perhaps this progress has not been asmuch as we would have wanted. But that is precisely one of the reasonswhy we came to Doha, to reiterate our political commitment to thisprocess and to show our determination to continue to carry it forward.We now have our marching orders. And you can be sure that theSecretariat of the United Nations will fulfill its responsibilitieswith utmost dedication.

The success, of course, belongs most of all to the MemberStates themselves. It is they who constructed it, they who workedlaboriously to reach it, and without their political will, it could nothave been achieved.

We would also like to recognize the key role played by othersin this process. I would just like to mention here, the key role of thePresident of the General Assembly and his two Facilitators, the twoSpecial Envoys of the Secretary-General, and many officials of theUnited Nations system. We also cannot fail to recognize the crucialrole played in this process by the other stakeholders, including manyintergovernmental and regional organizations, civil societyorganizations and the business community.

Once again, Mr. President, thank you very much. Let uscelebrate today and get back to work tomorrow.

File date: 
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Statement by Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General forEconomic and Social Affairs on Behalfof the Secretary-General of the United Nations at the ClosingPlenary Session of the Follow-Up International Conference to Review theImplementation of the Monterrey ConsensusDoha, Qatar, 2 December 2008|another description