What do you see?
- Professor
- Refugee
- Fundamentalist
- A grandfather

What do you see?
- Tech genius
- Drug addict
- Social worker
- A sister

What do you see?
- Model
- Student
- Gang leader
- A son

What do you see?
- Economist
- Trafficking victim
- Immigrant
- A granddaughter

What do you see?
- Doctor
- Taxi driver
- Human rights activist
- An uncle

What do you see?
- Actor
- Farmer
- Rom
- A brother

What do you see?
- Beautician
- Indigenous person
- Teacher
- An aunt

What do you see?
- Athlete
- Nurse
- Drug Dealer
- A cousin
The road to
Is there more than meets the eye?
Check your assumptions.
Confront your internalized bias.
Open your mind and heart to the humanity in all humans.