
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Coordinators of the Fifth Committee of the 59th session




Coordinator 59th session


Financial reports and audited financial statements, reports of the Board of Auditors

Mr. Yasser Elnaggar (Egypt)

  -Financing of UN peacekeeping operations (BOA report on financial report and audited financial statements for the twelve month ended 1 July 2003 to 30 June 2004) Mr. Yasser Elnaggar (Egypt)
  -Implementation of recommendatinos of the BOA on UNPKOs for the period ended 30 June 2004 Mr. Yasser Elnaggar (Egypt)


Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the UN


- Strengthening investigation functions in UN (OIOS report)

Ms. Denisa Hutanova (Slovakia)


- Proposed programme budget outline for 2006-2007???????

Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)


- Safeguarding air safety standards (OIOS report)???????????

Mr. Francis Mumbey- Wafule (Uganda)


- Procurement reform

Mr.? Francis Mumbey- Wafula (Uganda)


- Audit of Headquarters Committee on Contract (OIOS report)??????

Mr.? Francis Mumbey- Wafule (Uganda)


- Outsourcing practices

Mr.? Francis Mumbey- Wafule (Uganda)


Programme budget for the biennium 2004-2005


- Strengthening security management

Mr. Mhd Najib Elji(Syrian Arab Republic)


- UN Support for Cameroon Nigeria Mixed Commission

Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)


- Special Court for Sierra Leone

Mr. Asdrubal Pulido Leon (Venezuela)

  -Special Court for Sierra Leone and expanded mission for Somalia  

- Capital master plan

Mr. Mohd. Najib Elji (Syrian Arab Republic)


- Administrative arrangement for International Trade Center/UNCTAD/WTO?

Mr. Frank Davis (Bahamas)


- Review of the functions of all liaison offices or representation in NY

Mr. Frank Davis (Bahamas)


- Strengthening the UN web site

Mr. Frank Davis (Bahamas)


- Information & ?communication technology?????????

Mr. Antonio Alarcon (Costa Rica)


- Statute of the UNHCR

Mr. Razzif Aljuneid (Singapore)


- Independence of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal????????

Mr. Razzif Aljuneid (Singapore)


- Review of operation & management of UN libraries???????

Mr. Asdrubal Pulido Leon (Venezuela)


- Standards of accommodation for air travel

Mr. Antonio Alarcon (Costa Rica)


- Revised estimates arising of resolutions/decisions by ECOSOC

Mr. Asdrubal Pulido Leon (Venezuela)

  - Construction of office facilities in ECA Ms. Laura Onisil (Romania)

- Admin & financial implications of decisions/recommendations of ICSC?????

Mr. Jaideep Mazumdar (India)


- Subvention of the UNIDIR

Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)


- Special political missions:? estimates in respect of matters which the SC is seized. (Sudan)

Ms. Karla Samayoa Recari (Guatemala)


-Special political mission

Mr. Asdrubal Pulido?Leon (Venezuela)

  -Special political mission: (UN assistantce Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and UN Observer Mission in Bougainville (UNOMB) Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)


Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)


- Unforeseen & extraordinary expenses

Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)


- Contingency fund

Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)


- First performance report

Ms. Dewi Wahab (Indonesia)


- Conditions of service and compensation of officials other than Secretariat Officials

Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)


- PBIs arising from draft resolutions considered by Main Committees

Ms. Mari Skaare (Norway)


Programme Planning
- Proposed strategic framework for biennium 2006-2007
- Priority setting

Mr. Morteza Mirmohammad (Islamic Republic of Iran)


Improving the financial situation of the UN



Pattern of conferences??????????

Mr. Mohammad Tal (Jordan)


Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the UN????

Ms. Karen Lock (South Africa)


Human resources management
Report of OIOS: follow-up on reform of OHRM???

Mr. David Dutton (Australia)


- Report of OIOS: study on availability in local labour market of the skills for which international recruitment for posts in the GS category



- Report of OIOS on possible discrimination due to nationality, race, sex, religion and language in recruitment, promotion & placement.



- Report of OIOS:? Follow up audit of the policies/procedures for? DPKO for recruiting international civilian staff for field missions



- Report of JIU:? management review office of UNCHR



Joint Inspection Unit

Ms. Karen Lock (South Africa)


United Nations common system????????

Mr. Jaideep Mazumdar? (India)

  -Strengthening of the International Commission Services Mr. Guillermo Kendall (Argentina)


United Nations pension system?????????
Audit of investment management of UN staff Pension Fund?????????

Mr. Mohammad Tal (Jordan)


Report of the SG on the activities of the OIOS??????????

Ms. Nonye Udo (Nigeria)


-? Annual reports


-? Audit of regional commission -? Review of structures of UNICs



Review of the Implementation of resolution 48/218B & 54/244?????

Ms. Nonye Udo (Nigeria)


Administration of justice

Mr. Morteza Mirmohammad? (Islamic Republic of Iran)


Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal in the territory of the Former Yugoslavia

Mr. David Dutton (Australia)


Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal in Rwanda

Mr. David Dutton (Australia)

123 (see also 114)

Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the?? UN peacekeeping operations

Mr. David Dutton (Australia)
Mr. Morteza Mirmohammad (Islamic Republic of Iran)


- Comprehensive report conversion of 300 series contracts


- Report of OIOS: Study on the availability in local labour markets of of the skills for which international recruitment for posts in the GS category


- Report of OIOS:? Follow-up on audit of policies/procedures of DPKO for recruiting international staff for field missions

  -Support account for Peacekeeping operations Mr. Enno Drofenik (Austria)
  - United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi Mr. Enno Drofenik
Financing of the UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMBH)  
Financing of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) Mr. Felix Chango (Malawi)
Financing of the UN Organizatino Missino in Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) Mr. David Dutton (Australia)


Financing of the UN Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET)

Ms. Denisa Hutanova (Slovakia)

Financing of the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) Mr. Antonio Alarcon (Costa Rica)
Financing of the UN Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG) Mr. Brendan Siluka Kabuku (Namibia)

Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 687 (1991)
(a) UN Iraq-Kuwait Observer Mission (UNIKOM)
(b) Other activities

Mr. Antonio Alarcon (Costa Rica)
Financing of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Mr. Brendan Siluka Kabuku (Namibia)
Financing of the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) Mr. Antonio Alarcon (Costa Rica)

Financing of the UN Peacekeeping Forces in the Middle East
(a) UN Diengagement Observer Force (UNDOF)
(b) UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)

Ms. Nonye Udo (Nigeria


Financing of UN Mission in Sierra Leone??(UNAMSIL)?????

Ms. Karla Samayoa-Recari (Guatemala)
Mr. Frank Davis (Bahamas)

Financing of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) Mr. Frank Davis (Bahamas)


Financing of UN Operations in Burundi (UNOB)

Ms. Denisa Hutanova (Slovakia)
Ms. Laura Onisil (Romania)


Financing of the UN Mission Operation in Cote d¡¯Ivoire??(UNOCI)?????

Ms. Karla Samayoa-Recari (Guatemala)


Financing of UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)

Ms. Denisa Hutanova (Slovakia)

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