Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)
Programme of Work & Status of Documentation of the 79th Session
First part of the resumed session (Feb - March 2025)
- Programme of Work (Web | PDF )
- Status of Preparedness of Documentation -
List of items and documents for consideration by the Fifth Committee (2025_03_11) - Statements of delegations and UN officials
Main session (October - December 2024)
- Programme of Work (Web | PDF)
- Allocation of agenda items to the Fifth Committee -
- Status of Preparedness of Documentation -
Status of Preparedness of Documentation (informal document - 2024_12_16)
- Statements of delegations and UN officials
- Conference Room 3 Seating chart
Fifth Committee Manual published as an initiative of the Permanent Mission of Belgium to the UN (, )
About the Programme of Work
The programme of work for the session is considered by the Bureau of the Committee and approved by the Committee at its Organizational session. Once approved it is published on the Fifth Committee website. The Programme of work includes links to the documents that are under consideration. Document symbols are added as soon as they become available. During the course of the session, the programme of work is regularly reviewed, and updated by the Bureau to reflect progress in the discussions and availability of reports. Please check this page regularly for the latest updates.
About the Status of Preparedness of Documentation
Before the session begins, the status of the preparedness of documentation in front of the Committee is issued as an L. document. This document outlines what documents have been submitted and when they are due for issuance.
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About the Statements of delegations and UN officials
Compendium of electronic copies of statements held by delegations, advisory bodies and UN officials during formal meetings of the Fifth Committee. All statements are categorized by agenda item and session and are uploaded shortly after each formal meeting.
About Webcast
In accordance with resolution of 24 December 2011, in which with the General Assembly decided to approve live webcasting, and subsequent web storage, of all formal meetings of its six Main Committees, the above link provides access to on-demand recordings of formal meetings of the Fifth Committee (starting from the first resumed part of the 66th session) as well as to live webcast of meetings while they are taking place.