
Sixth Committee (Legal) 〞 74th session

Information on briefings and side events related to the work of the Sixth Committee

The Secretariat has received the following information concerning briefings and side events related to the work of the Sixth Committee. Delegates are kindly advised to contact the sponsors of the briefings or events directly for more information. Requests for inclusion in the list of briefings or events related to the work of the Sixth Committee should be sent to the Secretariat of the Sixth Committee, with a clear indication of the date, venue, title and sponsors or organisers.

Date Location Description
13 September 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 1 Attacks on Civilians and Civilian Infrastructure in North-West Syria: What Does International Humanitarian Law Say?§, organised by the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations ?(see also?concept note)
23 September 2019
(4:00pm 每 5:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 70 Years of the Geneva Conventions: Investing in Humanity through Multilateralism”,  organised by the Permanent Missions of China, Switzerland and South Africa to the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross ?(see also?concept note)
11 October 2019
Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations Reception on the occasion of International Law Weekend, hosted by H. E. Mr. Burhan Gafoor, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Singapore
28 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 12 Dialogue with ICJ Judges on the Court's Provisional Measures of Protection, organised by the Permanent Observer of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)
28 October 2019
(1:00pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 6 "The ILC as a way forward on universal criminal jurisdiction: an informal dialogue with states, academia and civil society", organised by the Permanent Missions of Sierra Leone, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Finland and the Gambia to the United Nations, in collaboration with Florida International University
28 October 2019
(3:00pm 每 4:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 7 "Artificial Intelligence: Technology to Serve Humankind 〞 Setting Legal Standards", organised by the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the United Nations, with sponsorship of Council of Europe and UNESCO
28 October 2019
(6:15pm 每 8:00pm)
Permanent Misson of Italy to the United Nations Reception to present the candidature of Prof. Ida Caracciolo to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), hosted by the Permanent Misson of Italy to the United Nations
28 October 2019
(6:30pm 每 8:30pm)
Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations Reception to present the candidature of Prof. Mar赤a Teresa Infante to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), hosted by the Permanent Misson of Chile to the United Nations
28每29 October 2019 Trusteeship Council Chamber 30th Meeting of Legal Advisers, organised by the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations (see also provisional programme of work)
29 October 2019
(8:15am 每 9:45am)
Auditorium, German House, 871 United Nations Plaza Panel discussion and interactive dialogue about the proposal for a Convention on Crimes against Humanity, organised by the Permanent Missions of Germany, Sierra Leone and Chile to the United Nations, with the co-sponsorship of Whitney R Harris World Law Institute of Washington University
29 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 "The ICJ and ITLOS 〞 Is there a place for judicial dialogue between them?", organised by the Permanent Missions of the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Slovakia to the United Nations?(see also?concept note)
29 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 6 "Sea Level Rise and the Implications for International Law", organised by the Permanent Missions of New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, Romania and Turkey to the United Nations, with the sponsorship of AOSIS and PIF
29 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 12 Joint Initiative for a Multilateral Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition for the Most serious International Crimes, organised by the Permanent Missions of Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Senegal and Slovenia to the United Nations
29 October 2019
(3:30pm 每 4:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 9 Informal briefing session on the enlargement of UNCITRAL membership, organised by the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
29 October 2019
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Freshfields International Law Week Panel 2019 - Giving Legal Advice, hosted by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
30 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 6 "The Effects of Changing Baselines: A Threat to Maritime Legal Order?", organised by the Permanent Observer of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO)
30 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 7 Accountability for the war crime of starvation of civilians”, organised by the Permanent Missions of Switzerland, Austria, Argentina, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Colombia, Estonia, Lichtenstein, the Netherlands, Portugal and Vanuatu to the United Nations
30 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 "Climate change and other issues of global interest: challenges and opportunities for International Law", organised by the Permanent Missions of Chile and Fiji to the United Nations
30 October 2019
(4:30pm 每 6:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber Interactive Dialogue between the Sixth Committee and the International Law Commission, organised by the Permanent Missions of Sweden and Austria to the United Nations
30 October 2019
(6:15pm 每 8:00pm)
New Zealand Official Residence Reception on the occasion of International Law Week, organised by the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations
30 October 2019
(6:30pm 每 8:30pm)
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Reception in honour of the Delegates to the Sixth Committee of the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, organised by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations
31 October 2019
(8:30am 每 9:45am)
Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations Book Presentation and Discussion "International Law in Domestic Courts: A Casebook", organised by the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations
31 October 2019
(9:00am 每 9:45am)
Conf. Rm. 6 Panel discussion on the importance of navigational rights and freedoms in International Law, organised by the Permanent Mission of Colombia to the United Nations
31 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 7 The CAHDI and its Contribution to the International Law Practice§, organised by the Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations and the Council of Europe
31 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber Panel Discussion "Community Interests in International Law", organised by the Permanent Missions of Germany and Chile to the United Nations
31 October 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 "Putting Syrians First: A Victim and Survivor-Centred Approach to Comprehensive Justice 〞 now and in the future", organised by the Permanent Missions of Denmark, Canada and Sweden to the United Nations
31 October 2019
Residence of the Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations Reception on the occasion of the International Law Week at the 74th session of the Sixth Committee, hosted by H. E. Mr. Michal Mlyn芍r, Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the United Nations and Chair of the Sixth Committee
1 November 2019
(9:00am 每 10:15am)
Conf. Rm. 8 "The topicality of the fundamental principles concerning the peaceful settlement of international disputes, as set out in the Manila Declaration of 1982", organised by The Hague Academy of International Law and the Permanent Missions of Andorra, Brazil, Chile, France, Gabon, Germany and Ukraine to the United Nations
1 November 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 8 Side event in the context of the International Law Week: Shared responsibility in international law, organised by the Permanent Mission of Brazil, in collaboration with University of Amsterdam, University of Manchester and SciencesPo (Guiding Principles on Shared Responsibility in International Law)
4 November 2019
Permanent Mission of Romania to the United Nations Reception on the occasion of the International Law Week, organised by the Permanent Missions of Romania to the United Nations
7 November 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 6 Book launch: The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Treaties, hosted by the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Portugal to the United Nations
6 November 2019
(2:00pm 每 5:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 8 Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict -- A First Evaluation of the ILC*s Draft Principles, organised by the Permanent Missions of Finland and the University of Hamburg, in collaboration with Lund University and the Environmental Peacebuilding Association
7 November 2019
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations IO Law Roundtable: Perspectives on UN Partnerships, organised by the International Organizations Interest Group (IOIG) of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) and hosted by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations
Other events:
28 October 2019
(6:30pm 每 8:30pm)
NYC Bar Association (42 W 44th st.) Reception on the occasion of the 30th annual meeting of the Legal Advisers of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the United Nations, hosted by the Association of the Bar of the City of New York
30 October 2019
(7:00pm 每 9:30pm)
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP (919 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022) , organised by Debevoise & Plimpton LLP (see also )
31 October 2019
(12:00pm 每 1:30pm)
D'Agostino Hall, Faculty Club, 108 W. 3rd Street New York, NY What's Happening in Syria? Anatomy of a Crisis§, hosted by Reiss Center on Law and Security (NYU School of Law)

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