Sixth Committee (Legal) 〞 75th session
Resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly on items allocated to the Sixth Committee
See also:
- Compilation of extracts of resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Sixth Committee, containing requests addressed to States, international organizations and the Secretary-General (2020每2021)
- Deadlines for the submission of comments and observations (2020每2021)
Item | Report of the Sixth Committee | Title of the agenda item | General Assembly resolution/decision | Date of adoption (GA plenary meeting) |
77 | Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
78 | Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its fifty-third session | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
79 | United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
80 | Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-second session | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
81 | Crimes against humanity | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
82 | Expulsion of aliens | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
83 | Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
84 | Consideration of effective measures to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
85 | Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
86 | The rule of law at the national and international levels | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
87 | The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
88 | Responsibility of international organizations | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
89 | Protection of persons in the event of disasters | decision 75/526* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
90 | Strengthening and promoting the international treaty framework | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
114 | Measures to eliminate international terrorism | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
126 | + | Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly | decision 75/527* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
142 | Programme planning | decision 75/528* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
152 | ** | Administration of justice at the United Nations | 31 December 2020 (48th (resumed) plenary meeting) |
171 | Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
172 | Observer status for the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States in the General Assembly | decision 75/529* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
173 | Observer status for the Eurasian Economic Union in the General Assembly | decision 75/530* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
174 | Observer status for the Community of Democracies in the General Assembly | decision 75/531* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
175 | Observer status for the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Secretariat in the General Assembly | decision 75/532* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
176 | Observer status for the Global Environment Facility in the General Assembly | decision 75/533* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
177 | Observer status for the International Organization of Employers in the General Assembly | decision 75/534* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
178 | Observer status for the International Trade Union Confederation in the General Assembly | decision 75/535* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
179 | Observer status for the Boao Forum for Asia in the General Assembly | decision 75/536* | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
180 | Observer status for the Small Island Developing States Dock (SIDS DOCK) in the General Assembly | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
181 | Observer status for the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Institute in the General Assembly | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
182 | + | Observer status for the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization in the General Assembly | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
183 | Observer status for the Global Dryland Alliance in the General Assembly | 15 December 2020 (45th plenary meeting) |
* For the text of the decision, see the Sixth Committee's report to the General Assembly.
** Item considered also by the Fifth Committee. For letter by the Sixth Committee see .