
Sixth Committee (Legal) 〞 76th session

Information on briefings and side events related to the work of the Sixth Committee

The Secretariat has received the following information concerning briefings and side events related to the work of the Sixth Committee. Delegates are kindly advised to contact the sponsors of the briefings or events directly for more information. Requests for inclusion in the list of briefings or events related to the work of the Sixth Committee should be sent to the Secretariat of the Sixth Committee, with a clear indication of the date, venue, title and sponsors or organisers.

Date Location Description
31 August 2021
Virtual Event Interactive dialogue ※A Multi-Dimensional Approach to the Work of the International Law Commission§, organised by the Permanent Mission of the Philippines to the United Nations
9 September 2021
(9:00am 每 10:30am)
Virtual Event Interactive webinar ※Women in Law: Insights from ILC Women Candidates§, organised by the Permanent Missions of Hungary, Kenya, New Zealand, Thailand and the United States to the United Nations
9 September 2021
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Virtual Event Webinar ※Building on the ILC Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters towards a universal legally-binding instrument§, organised by the Permanent Missions of Colombia, Italy, Jamaica, Japan and Nigeria to the United Nations
19 October 2021
(12:00pm 每 1:30pm)
Virtual Event "The International Law Commission: Twenty years after the adoption of the Articles on Responsibility of States for International Wrongful Acts" [in French], organised by the Permanent Missions of France and Portugal to the United Nations
20 October 2021
(11:30am 每 12:30pm)
Virtual Event Fireside Chat with Professor Hilary Charlesworth, candidate for the International Court of Justice, organised by the Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations
26 October 2021
Virtual Event 31st Meeting of Legal Advisers, organised by the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations
26 October 2021
(1:00pm 每 3:00pm)
Virtual Event "Reforming the Procedural Rules and Working Practices of Interstate Courts and Tribunals", organised by the Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
26 October 2021
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Virtual Event Launch Event: The Final Report of the Council of Advisers on the Application of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to Cyberwarfare, organised by the Permanent Missions of Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland to the United Nations
26 October 2021
(6:30pm 每 9:00pm)
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation Reception in honour of Mr. Evgeny Zagaynov, candidate of the Russian Federation to the International Law Commission, organised by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations
27 October 2021
(9:00am 每 10:00am)
Virtual Event Virtual presentation with UK’s candidate for the International Law Commission on "Immunities of State officials before international criminal courts and tribunals", organised by the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations [see also invitation to reception (at 6pm)]
27 October 2021
(11:30am 每 1:00pm)
Conf. Rm. 1-2-3 Interactive Dialogue between the Sixth Committee and the International Law Commission, organised by the Permanent Missions of Sweden and Austria to the United Nations
27 October 2021
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Virtual Event International Law Responses to Global Environmental Challenges: A Panel Discussion, organised by the Permanent Missions of New Zealand and Sierra Leone to the United Nations [see also: concept note and programme]
28 October 2021
(8:30am 每 9:30am)
Virtual Event Voluntary reports on domestic implementation of international humanitarian law§, organised by the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations and the ICRC
28 October 2021
(1:10pm 每 2:45pm)
Virtual Event Hybrid Briefing and Interactive Dialogue: The Work and Working Methods of the International Law Commission, organised by the Permanent Missions of Chile, C?te d*Ivoire, Portugal, Sierra Leone and Turkey to the United Nations
29 October 2021
(8:30am 每 9:30am)
Virtual Event The ILC and The Making of International Law: Trends and Directions for the Future, organised by the Permanent Missions of Singapore and Qatar to the United Nations
29 October 2021
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Permanent Mission of Viet Nam Meeting of the Group of Friends of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), organised by the Permanent Missions of Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Jamaica, Kenya, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Senegal and South Africa to the United Nations
29 October 2021
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Virtual Event Informal discussion on "Why it is Urgent to Register and Publish Maritime Zone Information in View of Rising Seas§, organised by the Permanent Observers of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) to the United Nations
1 November 2021
(8:30am 每 9:45am)
Virtual Event Interactive Dialogue on Past and Present Topics on the ILC Agenda: State Responsibility, Sea-level Rise, Crimes Against Humanity and Jus Cogens, organised by the Permanent Missions of Argentina, Cyprus, Kenya and Sierra Leone to the United Nations
1 November 2021
(3:00pm 每 4:30pm)
Virtual Event Question-and-Answer Session with the Study Group on Sea Level Rise of the International Law Commission, organised by the Permanent Missions of C?te d'Ivoire, Peru, Portugal, Romania and Turkey to the United Nations
2 November 2021
(8:30am 每 9:45am)
Virtual Event Virtual Interactive Dialogue: ※International Law Commission, its importance and projection into the Future§, organised by the Permanent Missions of Chile, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, Sierra Leone and Thailand to the United Nations
2 November 2021
(6:30pm 每 8:30pm)
Raines Law Room Reception in honour Australia’s candidate for the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Professor Hilary Charlesworth, organised by the Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations
3 November 2021
(8:45am 每 9:45am)
Virtual Event Launch event of the Declaration on promoting the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, organised by the Permanent Missions of Japan, Liechtenstein, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland to the United Nations
4 November 2021
(6:15pm 每 7:45pm)
The Westin New York Grand Central Reception to introduce Azerbaijan's candidate to the ILC Dr. Fuad Zarbiyev, organised by the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the United Nations
8 November 2021
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Virtual Event Panel on Climate Change and the Ocean at COP 26/CMA 3 On the occasion of the Book launch for The Research Handbook on Ocean Acidification Law and Policy, organised by the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations
9 November 2021
(6:30pm 每 8:30pm)
Permanent Mission of Norway Reception in honour of Amb. Rolf Einar Fife Norway's candidate to the ILC, organised by the Permanent Mission of Norway to the United Nations
Other events:
26 October, 2021
(12:30pm [8:30am EDT] 每 1:30pm GMT)
Virtual Event Public International Law Seminar "Sea-level rise: what are the implications for international law?", organized by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
27 October, 2021
(1:00pm 每 2:30pm)
Virtual Event Finding Solutions to State-to-State Conflicts: Legal Proceedings & Peace Building”, organised by Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

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