
Sixth Committee (Legal) 〞 77th session

Information on briefings and side events related to the work of the Sixth Committee

The Secretariat has received the following information concerning briefings and side events related to the work of the Sixth Committee. Delegates are kindly advised to contact the sponsors of the briefings or events directly for more information. Requests for inclusion in the list of briefings or events related to the work of the Sixth Committee should be sent to the Secretariat of the Sixth Committee, with a clear indication of the date, venue, title and sponsors or organisers.

Date Location Description
6 September 2022
(10:00am 每 1:00pm)
Series of presentations on the work undertaken by the International Law Commission at its recently??given by the respective Special Rapporteurs (and co-Chairs of the Study Group) of the Commission
6 October 2022
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 Launch of the “Case Law Portal for Judgments of UNDT & UNAT 2009 to present” [in?French], organised by the Permanent Missions of Switzerland and Mexico to the United Nations with the UN Office of Administration of Justice
13 October 2022
(4:30pm 每 6:15pm)
The Office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (220 E 42nd St) Judicial independence, people centered justice and the daunting challenge of achieving SDG16§, organised by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations with the Office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung to the United Nations, the Justice Leaders and The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law
17 October 2022
(6:00pm 每 8:30pm)
Fogo de Ch?o Brazilian Steakhouse (40W 53rd St.) Reception to present the Brazilian candidate to the International Court of Justice, Professor Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant, organised by the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations
19 October 2022
(6:30pm 每 8:30pm)
Consulate General of Argentina in New York (12 W 56th St.) Reception to introduce Professor Marcelo Kohen, Argentine candidate to the International Court of Justice for the term 2022-2027, organised by the Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations
20 October 2022
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 "Strengthening Private Military and Security Companies* Regulation in the Maritime Context", organised by the Permanent Missions of Portugal and Switzerland to the United Nations
24 October 2022
Trusteeship Council Chamber 32nd Meeting of Legal Advisers, organised by the Permanent Mission of Poland to the United Nations [see also detailed programme]
25 October 2022
(8:15am 每 9:30am)
Conf. Rm. 6 "Law Not War: A Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression", organised by the Permanent Missions of Estonia, Liechtenstein and Ukraine to the United Nations
25 October 2022
(1:00pm 每 3:00pm)
Conf. Rm. 6 Interactive dialogue: Welcoming a new legal framework on armed conflict and the environment, organised by the Permanent Missions of Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden to the United Nations
25 October 2022
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 Intervention of Third States before the International Court of Justice§ with the participation of Prof. Marcelo Kohen, Argentine candidate to the International Court of Justice, organised by the Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations
25 October 2022
(2:00pm 每 3:30pm)
Permanent Mission of Ireland Countering the Misuse of Counter-Terrorism Financing Measures, organised by the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations
25 October 2022
Permanent Mission of Singapore Sixth Committee Reception, organised by the Permanent Missions of Mozambique and Singapore to the United Nations
26 October 2022
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 6 Emerging Issues in Legal Practice: Ethics, Representation and International Dispute Resolution§, organised by the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations with the International Law Association American Branch and the Armenian Bar Association
26 October 2022
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 8 Panel Discussion on "Non-Legally Binding Agreements and Instruments in International Law", organised by the Permanent Missions of Brazil, Mozambique and Switzerland to the United Nations
26 October 2022
(4:30pm 每 6:00pm)
Trusteeship Council Chamber Interactive Dialogue between the Sixth Committee and the International Law Commission, organised by the Permanent Missions of Sweden and Austria to the United Nations
27 October 2022
(8:00am 每 9:45am)
Conf. Rm. 6 "International Law for Humankind: the legacy of Judge Ant?nio Augusto Can?ado Trindade", organised by the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations
27 October 2022
(1:00pm 每 3:00pm)
Conf. Rm. 8 The Work of the Institute of International Law, organised by the Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the United Nations
27 October 2022
(6:00pm 每 9:00pm)
1301 Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue), 25th Floor "Recent Developments with Respect to Interventions by Third States in State-to-State Disputes", organised by the Permanent Missions of Sweden, Romania, and Luxembourg to the United Nations
28 October 2022
(1:15pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 The forms of codification in the works of the ILC: towards an enhanced interaction between the ILC and the Sixth Committee”, organised by the Permanent Missions of Argentina, Italy, Peru and Singapore to the United Nations [see also concept note]
28 October 2022
(3:00pm 每 4:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 6 An informal discussion with Judge Joan Donoghue, President of the ICJ on "Multilateralism and International Law: The Role of the ICJ", organised by the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations
8 December
Permanent Mission of Singapore Reception on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of UNCLOS, organised by the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations
Other events:
25 October 2022
(7:00pm 每 8:00pm EDT)
601 Lexington Ave. 31st Fl. "The role of international law in the prevention and management of pandemics", organized by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
25 October 2022
(8:00am 每 6:00pm EDT)
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, (919 Third Ave.) Interactive dialogue on "Universal Criminal Jurisdiction: A Key Tool in the Fight for Atrocity Crimes in Ukraine and Beyond?", organized by the Center for International Law and Policy in Africa and the International Bar Association (hosted by Debevoise & Plimpton LLP)
26 October 2022
(1:25pm 每 2:45pm)
Conf. Rm. 11 The Institutions at the Peace Palace as key contemporary actors of international law§, organized by the Hague Academy of International Law (sponsored by: Andorra, Austria, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, Philippines, Singapore and Slovakia)
14 November 2022
(1:15pm 每 2:30pm)
Conf. Rm. 7 "The EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission", organized by the Permanent Observer Mission of the European Public Law Organization to the United Nations

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