Sixth Committee (Legal) 〞 78th session
United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law (Agenda item 78)
- Authority:
- 〞 Report of the Secretary General
- 〞 Draft resolution
Summary of work
Background (source: )
At its twentieth session, under the item entitled “Technical assistance to promote the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law”, the General Assembly established a programme of assistance and exchange in the field of international law as well as an Advisory Committee on Technical Assistance to Promote the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, the members of which are appointed by the Assembly, to assist the Secretary-General in the performance of the functions entrusted to him by the Assembly (resolution ). The Assembly had the item on its agenda at its twenty-first session, and decided that the programme established under resolution would be known as the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, and accordingly the Advisory Committee set up under that resolution would be known as the Advisory Committee on the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law (resolution ).
The Assembly had the item entitled “United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law” on its agenda and authorized the continuation of the Programme annually at its twenty-second to twenty-sixth sessions, biennially until its sixty-fourth session and annually thereafter (resolutions , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and ).
At its seventy-seventh session, the Assembly allocated the item to the Sixth Committee, where statements were made by the Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Programme of Assistance, the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel, the Acting Secretary of the Advisory Committee, a representative of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs and 35 delegations (see and ). The Assembly authorized the Secretary-General to carry out the activities specified in his report on the item in 2023 and requested the Secretary-General to continue to include resources for the activities of the Programme of Assistance under the proposed programme budget for 2024 and to further expand such activities using voluntary contributions. The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to report to it at its seventy-eighth session on the implementation of the Programme of Assistance in 2023 and, following consultations with the Advisory Committee on the Programme of Assistance, to submit recommendations regarding the Programme in subsequent years (resolution ).
Consideration at the seventy-eighth session
The Sixth Committee considered the item at its 21st, 22nd and 37th meetings, on 20 October and 17 November 2023 (, and ). For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the report of the Secretary-General ().
During the 21th meeting, the Chair of the Advisory Committee on the Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and United Nations Legal Counsel, and the Secretary of the Advisory Committee made a statement as did a representative of the Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs.
Statements were made by representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran (on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)), Cuba (on behalf of Group of 77 and China (G77/China)) [in English], Uganda (on behalf of African Group (AG)), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (on behalf of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)), the European Union (also on behalf of its member States, the candidate countries T邦rkiye, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the potential candidate country Georgia, as well as Andorra, Monaco and San Marino aligned themselves with the statement), Singapore (on behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)), Denmark (on behalf of the Nordic Countries: Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland), Singapore, the United States of America, Portugal, Senegal, Mexico, Colombia, Egypt, the Philippines, China, South Africa, Sudan, Viet Nam, Cameroon, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Burkina Faso, Pakistan, Thailand, El Salvador, Eritrea, France, Malaysia, Guinea, Ethiopia, the Russian Federation, Chile, Paraguay, the United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, Ireland, Mauritania, Lebanon, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti and Bolivia (Plurinational State of).
Delegations welcomed the Report of the Secretary-General and commended the role of the Programme of Assistance in furthering knowledge of international law and thereby strengthening international peace and security, promoting friendly relations and cooperation among States, and supporting the rule of law. It was noted that the training provided by the Programme of Assistance had enabled generations of government lawyers, judges and diplomats from across the globe to have a better understanding of international law for the benefit of the international community as a whole. The contribution of the Programme of Assistance towards the implementation of United Nations programmes and activities worldwide and achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 16 was once again highlighted.
Delegations expressed appreciation for the work of the Office of Legal Affairs, in particular that of the Codification Division, and commended its efforts to promote international law in an inclusive manner. Delegations also commended the Office of Legal Affairs for exploring innovative means to continue pursuing the objectives of the Programme of Assistance despite the challenges posed by the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Delegations continued to recognize the Audiovisual Library of International Law as an invaluable research and teaching resource, offering access to a vast range of materials free of charge, and noted its reach and continued expansion in both content and users. Support was again expressed for the further development of the Audiovisual Library, including by conducting off-site recording sessions undertaken by the Codification Division in various locations in order to promote a broader geographical and linguistic representation. Delegations recalled the launch of the Mini-Series of the Audiovisual Library of International Law, aimed at providing a general overview of the core topics of international law, primarily for users with little or only basic knowledge. Delegations also recalled the importance of the podcast project for increasing accessibility to the Lecture Series. Suggestions were made once again in regard to making the website of the Audiovisual Library more user-friendly.
Delegations continued to express their strong appreciation for and support of the Regional Courses in International Law and for the International Law Fellowship Programme. The holding of all four in-person training programmes during the reporting period was welcomed. Delegations also reiterated their position that virtual activities cannot replace in-person training. It was noted that it would be beneficial to plan for the potential need to resort to virtual training programmes if they are the only route available for instruction under certain circumstances.
Delegations continued to underline the importance of multilingualism to guarantee equal access to activities under the Programme. In particular, delegations highlighted the importance of making the Audiovisual Library more widely accessible, including through more linguistic inclusiveness. Delegations also expressed support for more diversity in the selection of lecturers, including in terms of the legal traditions, gender balance and academic and professional expertise.
Delegations also welcomed the activities organized by the Codification Division for the alumni of the training programmes organized under the Programme of Assistance.
With respect to legal publications, delegations continued to support the efforts of the Codification Division in expediting the issuance of its publications, including in hard copy, and noted their utility. Support was also expressed for the efforts of the Division in maintaining the international law related websites enumerated in the report of the Secretary-General.
Delegations reiterated the importance of maintaining regular budget funding for the activities of the Programme, including the Regional Courses and the Audiovisual Library of International Law. Appreciation was also expressed for those States which had made voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund. Continued and enhanced voluntary contributions were encouraged.
Member States were again encouraged to promote the Programme in social media and across academic institutions, public administration and other organizations, so that students, young scholars, and young professionals are made aware of the opportunities to engage in its initiatives and benefit from them. It was noted that United Nations Information Centers in Member States could play an important role in disseminating the activities of the Programme of Assistance.
Archived videos and summaries of plenary meetings
(20 October 2023, 10:00am 每 1:00pm) | Summary
(20 October 2023, 3:00pm 每 6:00pm) | Summary
(17 November 2023, 10:00am 每 1:00pm) | Summary
Action taken by the Sixth Committee
At the 37th meeting, on 17 November, the representative of Ghana, on behalf of the Bureau, introduced a draft resolution entitled “United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law” (). At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution , without a vote.
Under the terms of the draft resolution, the General Assembly would authorize the activities specified in the report of the Secretary-General () for 2024, to be financed from provisions in the regular budget. The General-Assembly would also request the Secretary-General to continue to include resources for the activities of the Programme of Assistance in the proposed programme budget for 2025 and pursuant to operative paragraph 3, would authorize the Secretary-General to further expand such activities using voluntary contributions. The Assembly would reiterate its request to Member States and interested organizations to make voluntary contributions for the Audiovisual Library of International Law and the United Nations Regional Courses in International Law. The Assembly would note with appreciation the efforts of the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs to enhance the accessibility of the Audiovisual Library by making all lectures in the Lecture Series available as podcasts, and express its appreciation for the efforts undertaken by the Codification Division to bring up to date the United Nations legal publications.
Subsequent action taken by the General Assembly
- Report of the Sixth Committee:
- GA resolution:
This agenda item will be considered at the seventy-ninth session (2024).