Sixth Committee (Legal) 〞 78th session
Information on briefings and side events related to the work of the Sixth Committee
The Secretariat has received the following information concerning briefings and side events related to the work of the Sixth Committee. Delegates are kindly advised to contact the sponsors of the briefings or events directly for more information. Requests for inclusion in the list of briefings or events related to the work of the Sixth Committee should be sent to the Secretariat of the Sixth Committee, with a clear indication of the date, venue, title and sponsors or organisers.
Date | Location | Description |
26 September 2023 (9:00am 每 11:00am) |
Virtual Event | Workshop on the ILC’s Draft Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters, organised by the Permanent Missions of Colombia, Croatia, Italy, Jamaica, Nigeria and Thailand to the United Nations |
17 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Conf. Rm. 7 | Launch of the new global project to support the universalization and effective implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT), organised by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) [see also programme] |
18 October 2023 (11:30am 每 12:30pm) |
Conf. Rm. 9 | SCAD information session "The Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council: Ways and means of making the evidence of customary international law more readily available", organised by the Security Council Practices and Charter Research Branch of the Security Council Affairs Division |
20 October 2023 (8:30am 每 9:45am) |
Virtual Event | "A Renewed Agenda 2023-2028 for the International Law Commission", organised by the Permanent Missions of Austria and Chile to the United Nations |
23 October 2023 (11:00am 每 12:45pm) |
Conf. Rm. 6 | Launch event for the report of the Working Group on CIJ and SDG16+ - Diverse pathways to people-centred justice, organised by the Permanent Observer of IDLO |
23每24 October 2023 (1:00pm 每 6:00pm) |
Trusteeship Council Chamber | 33rd Meeting of Legal Advisers, organised by the Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations [see also?detailed programme] |
23 October 2023 (6:15pm) |
Permanent Mission of Singapore | Sixth Committee Reception, organised by the Permanent Missions of Thailand and Singapore to the United Nations |
24 October 2023 (8:15am 每 9:45am) |
Permanent Mission of Belgium | "Breakfast panel discussion on the way forward of the Ljubljana — The Hague Convention”, organised by the Permanent Missions of Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Senegal and Slovenia to the United Nations |
24 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:45pm) |
Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom | Discussion on topic of the increasing use of non-legally binding instruments and their relationship with international treaty law and customary international law, organised by the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations |
24 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Conf. Rm. 6 | "Ethica 每 Presentation of the 25 ethical principles for international criminal judges", organised by the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations [see flyer in English] (Reception organized by the Permanent Mission of France, in honour of Mr. Nicolas Guillou, French Candidate for the International Criminal Court 2024 每 2033, on 24 October 2023, 7:00pm) |
24 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Conf. Rm. 8 | Reflections on the Timor-Leste/Australia conciliation, five years after the first-ever UNCLOS conciliation, organised by the Permanent Missions of the Philippines, Australia, Egypt, Guatemala, Hungary, Thailand, Singapore and Viet Nam to the United Nations [see also consept note and speakers' profiles] |
24 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Conf. Rm. 5 | Panel discussion on "Ensuring justice and accountability for the victims of atrocity crimes. The important role of providing remedies and rehabilitation", organised by the Permanent Missions of Estonia and Liechtenstein to the United Nations |
25 October 2023 (8:30am 每 9:30am) |
Conf. Rm. 9 | Discussion on International Law Commission and Compensation in the Law of State Responsibility, organised by the Permanent Missions of Latvia, Mexico and Romania to the United Nations |
25 October 2023 (8:30am 每 9:30am) |
Conf. Rm. 6 | Side-event on the register of damage caused by the aggression against Ukraine (presentation and discussion), organised by the Permanent Missions of Czech Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations and the Council of Europe |
25 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:45pm) |
Conf. Rm. 7 | Panel debate "International Criminal Justice: Working Together to Close the Impunity Gap", organised by the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the United Nations |
25 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Conf. Rm. 5 | Round-Table discussion with Dr. Haykel Ben Mahfoudh, Tunisia*s candidate to the ICC, on ※Ensuring Accountability for Environmental Destruction: Balancing Ecocide Criminalization with ICC Jurisdiction§, organised by the Permanent Mission of Tunisia to the United Nations [see also concept note] |
25 October 2023 (4:30pm 每 6:00pm) |
Trusteeship Council Chamber | Interactive Dialogue between the Sixth Committee and the International Law Commission, organised by the Permanent Missions of Sweden and Austria to the United Nations |
25 October 2023 (6:15pm 每 7:45pm) |
German House | Reception on the occasion of International Law Week with Judge Ute Hohoff, Germany*s candidate for election to the International Criminal Court, organised by the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations |
26 October 2023 (8:30am 每 9:45am) |
1301 Ave. of the Americas, Fl. 25 | "The ILC: Strategies for Effective State Engagement", organised by the Permanent Missions of Portugal, Romania, and Italy to the United Nations and Foley Hoag LLP |
26 October 2023 (1:15pm) |
Conf. Rm. 8 | 150 Years of Work of the Institute of International Law, organised by the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations |
26 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:45pm) |
German House | "Gender-based violence in international law", organised by the International Nuremberg Principles Academy |
26 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:45pm) |
Conf. Rm. 7 | "Restoration of Justice for Ukraine: Ensuring accountability through international courts", organised by the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations and the Group of Friends of Accountability Following the Aggression Against Ukraine |
26 October 2023 (1:30pm 每 3:00pm) |
Conf. Rm. 9 | "International Law in Global Climate Governance: Implementation and Outlook", co-hosted by the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) [see also concept note] |
26 October 2023 (6:00pm 每 8:00pm) |
Permanent Mission of Mexico | Reception in the margins of the International Law Week in honor of the candidature of Dr. Juan Manuel G車mez Robledo for the International Court of Justice, organised by the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations |
26 October 2023 (6:30pm 每 8:30pm) |
Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation | Reception in honour of the Delegates to the Sixth Committee of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, organised by the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations |
27 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:45pm) |
European Union Delegation | Diplomatic Briefing by President Ekaterina Trendafilova and Registrar Fidelma Donlon on the "Kosovo Specialist Chambers’ activities, its features for efficient trials and lessons learned for other accountability mechanisms", organised by the European Union Delegation to the United Nations and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers |
30 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:45pm) |
Permanent Mission of Mexico | "AI and International Law", organised by the Permanent Missions of Portugal and Mexico to the United Nations |
30 October 2023 (3:00pm 每 5:00pm) |
Conf. Rm. E | Interactive dialogue on Strengthening the Engagement of Global South States with the Work of the International Law Commission, organised by the Permanent Missions of Mexico and Sierra Leone to the United Nations and the Center for International Law and Policy in Africa (CILPA) |
31 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Permanent Mission of Romania | Conclusions following the Sixth Committee Debates on the 2023 Work of the International Law Commission*s Study Group on ※Sea-level rise in relation to international law§, organised by the Permanent Missions of Romania, Peru, Portugal and T邦rkiye to the United Nations |
2 November 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Conf. Rm. 8 | Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform (SIDS): Progress and Issues, organised by the Permanent Observer of Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) to the United Nations |
6 November 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Permanent Mission of Australia | "The role of technology in international courts and tribunals", organised by the Permanent Missions of Australia and Samoa to the United Nations |
Other events: | ||
24 October 2023 (7:00pm 每 8:00pm EDT) |
601 Lexington Ave. 31st Fl. | "The promise of advisory opinions before international courts: past, present and future", organized by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP |
25 October 2023 (1:15pm 每 2:30pm) |
Conf. Rm. 8 | “Peaceful dispute settlement: the indispensable courts and courses of the Peace Palace”, organized by the Hague Academy of International Law (sponsored by: Philippines, Andorra, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Mongolia, Panama, Portugal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Togo, Ukraine, the United States of America and Vietnam) |