Publications related to the Prevention of Genocide and related crimes
Preventing Ethnic Genocide: A Policy Guidance Note
The Policy Guidance strongly recommends that national governments and various public and private institutions and companies develop their own context specific ethnic and racial inclusion policies. Proper implementation of this policy aims to assist in prevention of genocide by proactively mitigating conflict, building peace and ensuring cohesion and integration.
Comprehensive Training Manual on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention) and its Implementation
To strengthen universal ratification and implementation of the Genocide Convention, this training manual will be a tool for advancing understanding of the Convention as well as providing practical support, recommendation, and case practice of its implementation. The focus of the training manual is a practical rather than theoretical approach, including examples and case studies from different countries regarding (a) practical steps to ratify or accede to the Convention and (b) implementation of national legislation or other measures to give effect to the obligations of the Convention.
Declaration of the Sudanese Women on Implementing The Plan of Action for Women in Communities to Counter Hate Speech and Prevent Incitement to Violence that Could Lead to Genocide and related Crimes
Women from Sudan, being mediators, activists, lawyers, experts and practitioners in the field of peace and security, met in Kigali, Rwanda, committed to ensuring the voices of women and communities are engaged in ending the war in their country.
Promoting dialogue and mediation to prevent genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity
Dialogue and mediation can significantly contribute to the prevention of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, from early warning and early prevention to reconciliation in regions and countries which have experienced these crimes.
Moving forward, whilst looking back
Reflections on the Effective Implementation of the Genocide ConventionThe thematic publication provides an overview of reflections on the effective implementation of the Genocide Convention, at its 75 year anniversary, stemming from: expert meetings organized on the legacy of the Convention, from the perspectives of prevention, punishment and memory; expert essays on the topic; a thematic paper from Yale University students, and expert panel remarks from the high-level event held at the United Nations Headquarters on 8 December 2023.