Through its unique capacities as the world¡¯s premier vehicle for international cooperation, the UN system plays a crucial role in the discussion and implementation of solutions at community, national or regional level, particularly in Africa. The UN's action in the field ranges from promoting democratic institutions to protecting and promoting human rights, from establishing lasting peace to supporting economic and social development.

In this effort, the UN works closely with Africa¡¯s regional cooperation mechanisms and has at present. UN peacekeepers serve in the Central African Republic (), the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( see also Spotlight on the Democratic Republic of the Congo), Western Sahara (), South Sudan () and in the disputed Abyei area ().

To advance its support for Africa even further, the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa was established in 2003 to enhance international support for African development and security and to improve coordination of UN system support. It also works to facilitate global deliberations on Africa, particularly with respect to the New Partnership for Africa¡¯s Development (NEPAD) ¡ª a strategic framework adopted by African leaders in 2001. In 2018, NEPAD's mandate was reformed and transformed into the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (). It is now serving as the first development agency of the .

Africa Day is an annual commemoration of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) on May 25, 1963. On that day 32 independent African states signed the founding charter in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In 2002, the OAU became the African Union. Africa Day is celebrated around the world.

Challenges for Africa

Africa is diverse, and challenges can vary widely across different countries and regions. Efforts by African governments, regional organizations, and international partners are ongoing to address these challenges and promote sustainable development.

Climate change

Africa is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with rising temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and extreme weather events affecting various regions, impacting ecosystems and livelihoods, increasing water scarcity and contributing to desertification. It can lead to reduced crop yields, threatening the livelihoods of many who depend on agriculture. Adaptation strategies are crucial for building resilience in the agricultural sector.

Climate change disrupts ecosystems, leading to biodiversity loss and threatening the sustainability of natural resources. Coastal areas are at particular risk due to sea-level rise, affecting fisheries and coastal communities.

Africa faces a significant burden from climate change, with countries losing 2-5% of GDP and diverting up to 9% of their budgets for climate responses. In sub-Saharan Africa, adaptation costs could reach US$ 30-50 billion annually over the next decade, or 2-3% of the region's GDP. By 2030, up to 118 million extremely poor people may be exposed to droughts, floods, and extreme heat, hindering poverty alleviation and economic growth.

Hunger and malnutrition

Africa is facing a food crisis of unprecedented proportions. Millions are expected to be at risk of worsening hunger in the near future due to conflicts, climate variability and extremes, economic slowdowns and downturns, and the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to report, approximately 733 million people around the world faced hunger in 2023, or one in 11 people worldwide. In particular, Africa bore a disproportionate burden, with one in five people suffering from hunger. If current trends continue, Africa is expected to overtake Asia as the continent with the highest number of hungry people by 2030. By that year, it's projected that nearly 600 million people worldwide will be chronically undernourished, 53% of them in Africa.


Many African regions face universal healthcare challenges, with skyrocketing costs pushing families into poverty. Rural and remote areas often lack sufficient healthcare infrastructure, making it difficult for residents to access essential services. Africa continues to grapple with infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases and faces the rising prevalence of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. These diseases pose a significant burden on healthcare systems and contribute to high morbidity and mortality rates.

Many African countries have shortages of trained healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and midwives. This shortage hinders the effective delivery of healthcare services and compromises the quality of care.

Regions affected by political instability and conflict face additional challenges in delivering healthcare. Displacement of populations, damage to healthcare infrastructure, and disruptions in the supply chain contribute to healthcare crises.

Peacekeeping and conflict resolution

Peacekeeping and conflict resolution in Africa face challenges due to the complex nature of conflicts, historical grievances, and the presence of non-state actors. Sustaining peace requires addressing root causes and fostering inclusive dialogue.

Effective peacekeeping and conflict resolution in Africa often require collaboration between the United Nations, the African Union, and other international partners and regional organizations. Coordinated efforts aim to build local capacities, strengthen institutions, and promote sustainable peace.

Addressing the challenges posed by protracted conflicts and longstanding disputes on the African continent has been a major focus for the UN. Missions have been deployed to conflict-affected regions with the aim of maintaining peace, facilitating political dialogue, and supporting post-conflict reconstruction. In 1960 the first peacekeeping operation in Africa was deployed in the Republic of the Congo to ensure the withdrawal of Belgian forces and to assist the Government in maintaining law and order. Since then, thousands of peacekeepers have been deployed to more than 30 peacekeeping operations in African countries. The latest peacekeeping mission was established in 2014 in the Central African Republic.

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

The UN Security Council established the to "prosecute persons responsible for genocide and other serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of Rwanda and neighbouring States in 1994". During its operation, the Tribunal indicted 93 individuals including high-ranking military and government officials, politicians, businessmen, as well as religious, militia, and media leaders.

With its sister international tribunals and courts, the ICTR has played a pioneering role in the establishment of a credible international criminal justice system, producing a substantial body of jurisprudence on genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, as well as forms of individual and superior responsibility.

The ICTR is the first ever international tribunal to deliver verdicts in relation to genocide, and the first to interpret the definition of genocide set forth in the 1948 Geneva Conventions. It is also the first international tribunal to define rape in international criminal law and to recognise rape as a means of perpetrating genocide, as well as the first international tribunal to hold members of the media responsible for broadcasts intended to inflame the public to commit acts of genocide.

The ICTR delivered its last trial judgement in December 2012. Since then the  has assumed responsibility for the ICTR's residual functions including cases before the appeals chamber and the tracking and arrest of the accused who remain fugitives from justice.


Africa has attained significant achievements across various sectors over the years.


African nations, previously under colonial rule, achieved independence through diplomatic negotiations, nationalist movements, and, in some cases, armed struggles. Decolonization led to the establishment of sovereign African states, each with its own government, constitution, and institutions. This ended direct political control by European colonial powers. The process of decolonization fostered regional unity and cooperation. The Organization of African Unity (OAU), later succeeded by the African Union (AU), was established to promote solidarity and address common challenges.

Independent African nations actively engaged in global diplomacy, participating in international organizations and establishing diplomatic relations. They became important players in shaping global affairs.

Independence allowed for a cultural renaissance, promoting the preservation and celebration of indigenous languages, traditions, and arts. African nations redefined their cultural identities.

Decolonization was largely driven by the efforts of African nations and their leaders, but the UN provided a platform for dialogue, principles of self-determination, and international norms that facilitated the process. The United Nations played a role in decolonization efforts through various mechanisms:

  • The UN established the Trusteeship System to oversee the transition of colonies to independence. This involved guiding nations towards self-governance and assisting in the development of political institutions.
  • The UN General Assembly adopted resolution 1514, also known as the , affirming the right to self-determination and independence for colonial territories.
  • In some instances, the UN facilitated peacekeeping missions during the transition to independence, helping maintain stability and prevent conflicts that could hinder the decolonization process.
  • Through resolutions, sanctions, and diplomatic efforts, the UN contributed to the dismantling of apartheid and the establishment of a democratic South Africa.

In 2011, South Sudan became Africa¡¯s newest country when it gained independence from the rest of Sudan.

Economic Growth

Economic growth in Africa is expected to increase from 3.4% in 2024 to 3.7 per cent in 2025 and 4% in 2026, driven by the recovery in Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa, according to the . While East Africa shows strong growth, Central Africa struggles with stagnant oil production and political instability. Challenges remain, including high unemployment, persistent debt, and inflation above 10% in several countries. Trade has seen modest progress due to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), while extreme poverty continues to rise amid slow income growth.

Technological Advancements

Despite disparities in access to technology and digital infrastructure that contribute to a digital divide, Africa has seen notable advancements in technology, particularly in the areas of mobile telecommunications and digital innovation:

  • Africa has experienced a rapid increase in mobile phone penetration, with mobile technology serving as a key driver of connectivity and financial inclusion. Mobile banking and payment systems have become widespread.
  • Several African countries have established digital innovation hubs and technology ecosystems to support startups and entrepreneurs. These hubs foster collaboration, innovation, and the development of tech solutions.
  • Various African governments have implemented e-government initiatives to improve service delivery, enhance transparency, and promote citizen engagement. Digital platforms are being used for public services, including healthcare and education.
  • Technological advancements in renewable energy, such as solar power, are prominent. African countries are increasingly investing in sustainable and clean energy solutions to address power challenges.
  • Technology is playing a crucial role in transforming agriculture in Africa. Innovations, such as precision farming, mobile apps for farmers, and agri-tech solutions contribute to increased productivity and efficiency.

Advancement of Women

Progress has been made in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment:

Agenda 2063

In January 2015 the Heads of State and Governments of the African Union adopted , a strategic framework for the socio-economic transformation of the African continent. It aims to guide Africa towards a future of inclusive and sustainable development and emphasizes the importance of unity, self-reliance, and the active participation of African citizens in shaping their continent's future.

Agenda 2063is organized around seven aspirations that represent the collective vision for Africa's development: a prosperous Africa; an integrated continent; an Africa of good governance; peace and security; a renaissance of the African culture; a full gender equality in all sphere of life; as well as a globally influential Africa.
