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Pre-Summit Information
The United Nations Pre-Summit on Food Systems will pave the way for the final global event in September by bringing together different actors from all over the world in order to leverage the power of food systems to make progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (OSS ).
Hosted by the Italian government, the Pre-Summit will be held in Rome from 26 to 28 July 2021. The event, open to all, will have a hybrid format, with an in-person component integrated by a vast virtual platform. Through the Pre-Summit, the United Nations Food Systems Summit will reconfirm its commitment to promoting human rights for all and ensure that the most marginalized groups have the opportunity to participate, contribute and benefit from its carrying out.
Under the leadership of United Nations Secretary General Ant¨®nio Guterres, the Pre-Summit will be a "People's Summit" which will include, among the many participants, young people, farmers, indigenous peoples, civil society, researchers, the private sector, political leaders and ministers of the agriculture, the environment, health, food and finance. The event aims to present the latest scientific and evidence-based approaches from around the world to transforming food systems, to initiate a series of new commitments through joint actions, and to mobilize new funding and partnerships. All this will be achieved by promoting a transversal involvement with the aim of identifying the widest range of possible solutions and maximizing, all together, the impact.
Since last year, the Summit has hosted regular online meetings, public discussions and polls organized around the five action tracks to ensure a wide range of perspectives and ideas for the development of food systems that cater to everyone's needs. The Summit will review everything that has come to its attention, as Member States and participants from around the world begin to focus on how to put into practice the best ideas and commitments, which will be announced in June, to bridge the gap. gap and increase the ambition to the SDGs by 2030. The Pre-Summit will assess the progress made through this process,
Successful vision
The Pre-Summit, in its broader goal of accelerating the transformation of food systems, aims to:
- Bringing together the best ideas of all the structures participating in the Summit, also identifying priorities and summarizing a common vision that will be at the heart of the UN Secretary General's declaration of action at the Summit.
- To represent a moment of commitment for governments, businesses, civil society and other actors in which to announce new actions in order to support the transformation of food systems and promote revolutionary solutions through collaboration between multiple stakeholders.
- Provide heads of state and other public and private sector leaders with the opportunity to present and promote their commitments for action, define a line of leadership and strong ambition , and inspire the commitment of many others ahead of the Summit.
- Promote a universal discourse and narrative that places food systems at the center of global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, with considerable virtual engagement and a coordinated awareness and communication campaign around the world. This speech will highlight the importance of food systems in advancing the climate situation, development finance, health, human rights and other priorities of global concern.
- Promote a sense of community by bringing together countries, stakeholders and constituencies across the food system chain and from all parts of the world.
- Mobilize public and private investments to drive the transformation of food systems and prioritize breakthrough solutions.
First announced on October 16, 2019 by United Nations Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres, the United Nations Food Systems Summit, which includes a Pre-Summit, was devised following talks with the joint leadership of three agencies of the Nations United based in Rome - the FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization), IFAD (the International Fund for Agricultural Development) and the WFP (World Food Program) - on the occasion of the High Level Political Forum held in July 2019. In view of the United Nations Summit on Food Systems, which will take place in September 2021 in New York, the Italian government will host a Pre-Summit in Rome from 26 to 28 July 2021. The event will consolidate the progress that has been made been achieved through thebroad public engagement, consultation and data collection process started in 2020, paving the way for an ambitious and productive summit in September.
The event will bring together young people, farmers, indigenous peoples, civil society, researchers, the private sector, political leaders and ministers of agriculture, environment, health, food and finance, among the various participants. The meeting will last three days and is aimed at presenting the latest scientific and evidence-based approaches to transforming food systems, initiating a series of new commitments through joint actions and mobilizing new funding and partnerships.
Hosted by the Italian Government, the Pre-Summit will be held in Rome from 26 to 28 July 2021. It will be held in a virtual "hybrid" format, with an in-person component integrated by a vast virtual platform that will allow all interested parties to follow the event from all over the world.
The UN Summit on Food Systems will be a "People's Summit", and the Pre-Summit is no different. All those interested in attending are invited and encouraged to follow the event virtually, and to take part in the various activities of the Pre-Summit. A predetermined and very limited number of delegates will be able to participate in person in the events to be held at the headquarters of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), located in Rome.
The Pre-Summit will take place in a virtual ¡°hybrid¡± format over the course of three days, during which some will participate in person in Rome, while others will be able to follow the event from all over the world through a vast virtual platform.
The modalities of participation in person at the Pre-Summit will be established by the COVID-19 protocols of the coming months, and by what will be defined as safe and feasible. In this regard, talks are currently underway between the United Nations and Italian health professionals, to study possible configurations for the Pre-Summit and in any case be ready for what the COVID-19 protocols will allow to do in the coming months. This discussion, as well as the possible approach and protocols to be adopted, will be based on the most recent scientific considerations and information in the hands of the United Nations and Italy.
That said, all those interested in attending are invited and encouraged to follow the event virtually, and to take part in its various activities. Those who attend virtually will be included in all program sessions and Pre-Summit elements just like those who attend in person.
First announced on October 16, 2019 by United Nations Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres, the United Nations Food Systems Summit, which includes a Pre-Summit, was devised following talks with the joint leadership of three agencies of the Nations United based in Rome - the FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization), IFAD (the International Fund for Agricultural Development) and the WFP (World Food Program) - on the occasion of the High Level Political Forum held in July 2019.
For the moment it is planned to carry out all the activities in the presence of the Pre-Summit within the FAO headquarters, representing the entire United Nations system, while all the UN agencies will be involved through the UN Task Force led by UNEP .
Everyone is invited to participate in the Pre-Summit and for this there will be many opportunities to virtually follow and support the proposed activities. You will find all the latest information on this on the booking platform, which will be available soon. In the meantime, you can help change food systems and make your community heard by organizing or joining an Independent Dialogue and joining the Summit Community.
All groups involved in this initiative, including the private sector, civil society, producer organizations, indigenous peoples and youth organizations, will have the opportunity to specifically define commitments and actions they intend to carry out through the Pre - Summit and the actual Summit. Anyone wishing to contribute via the Action Tracks public forums, Independent Dialogues for the Food Systems Summit and the Community platform is welcome.
The results that will be achieved at this Summit do not depend on a single group and, although the contribution of the private sector is essential to give the right momentum to change, there is no agri-food company behind the project.
As face-to-face participation will be extremely limited, we urge interested parties to virtually take part in the event's activities.
Since the Pre-Summit represents an opportunity to bring the community together to discuss Summit issues, the program will not include any official ¡°parallel events¡± that could divert the attention of stakeholders from the Pre-Summit itself. The meeting will include an exchange of ideas and the intervention of various leaderships from all constituencies in a series of scheduled ¡°parallel sessions¡± that will complement the plenary sessions.
I delegati sono invitati a registrarsi presso la piattaforma a loro dedicata, che dovrebbe essere operativa da maggio.
No, gli interessati sono caldamente invitati a partecipare virtualmente da tutto il mondo.
Media briefings will take place on each of the three days of the Pre-Summit. Press officers will also be present to allow and facilitate access to videos and photographs and to organize both live and virtual interviews. Relevant documents, information sheets and multimedia materials are available on the web page dedicated to press representatives. The accreditation process will start in May; for more information you can visit the site for members of the media.
For other questions related to the United Nations Summit on Food Systems, please visit our general FAQ .