Who can participate?
The Third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries is a conference for all member states of the United Nations: landlocked developing countries, their transit country neighbours, development partner nations and all others.
The following may also participate in the Conference:
- Members of the specialized agencies
- Intergovernmental organizations
- International financial institutions and other international bodies
- Associate members of the regional commissions
- Specialized agencies and related organizations
- Organisations and bodies of the United Nations
- Non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations
- Academic institutions and the scientific community
- The private sector
- Philanthropic organizations
- Youth
- Media
How can you register to attend the conference?
The LLDC3 conference has been postponed until further notice. Thank you!
Do you represent a State? Or maybe you are an NGO or a private company? Or maybe you are a young influencer from civil society who wants to participate in the Conference? Choose your profile and we will guide you through the process.

Members of Official Delegations
Official delegations of participating States and of the European Union.
Registration of official delegations of participating Member and Observer States and of the European Union is handled by the Protocol and Liaison Service (Protocol Office) through the online ¡°eRegistration system¡±, which is available through the e-deleGATE portal at ().
For registration to the Conference, official delegations must go through the ¡°designated eRegistration focal points¡± of their respective missions or liaison offices in New York, who have access to the eRegistration system. Delegations are advised to do so as early as possible to ensure timely registration. It is possible to request registration onsite in Gaborone, but the request will need to be submitted through the respective mission or liaison office in New York via the ¡°online eRegistration system¡± and will take a day or two for review and processing.
Registration period for the Conference is as follows:
- Pre-registration in New York: 4 October to 20 November 2024
- Online onsite registration in Gaborone: 5 to 12 December 2024 (till 1:00 pm local time)
For further information, view the NOTE VERBALE by UN Protocol

Already accredited intergovernmental organizations, international financial institutions, and associate members of the regional commissions
Representatives of intergovernmental organizations and entities accredited with the General Assembly, and associate members of regional commissions must apply for registration as follows.
Those entities with an office in New York or otherwise enrolled in the eRegistration system should register their delegations through the ¡°designated eRegistration focal points¡± of their respective liaison offices in New York, who have access to the . Delegations are advised to do so as early as possible to ensure timely registration.
Those entities without an office in New York or not enrolled in the eRegistration system that wish to participate in the Conference must enroll in the online ¡°eRegistration system¡± in advance in order to register to the Conference. To request temporary access in the eRegistration system, the instructions in the ¡°Guidelines to apply for eRegistration Temporary Access¡± posted on the Protocol website need to be followed. Requests for temporary access to the eRegistration system must be received by the Protocol Office no later than 25 October 2024. The review and processing of these requests may take up to 4-5 days.
Registration period for the Conference is as follows:
- Pre-registration in New York: 4 October to 20 November 2024
- Online onsite registration in Gaborone: 5 to 12 December 2024 (till 1:00 pm local time)
Delegations are advised to do so as early as possible to ensure timely registration. It is possible to request registration onsite in Gaborone, but the request will need to be submitted through the respective mission or liaison office in New York or otherwise via the ¡°online eRegistration system¡± and will take a day or two for review and processing.
Delegations wishing to obtain further information on the ¡°eRegistration system¡± may refer to the updated ¡°Guidelines on e-Registration¡± and ¡°Frequently asked questions¡± on the Protocol website at /dgacm/en/content/protocol/meetings.
For further information, view the NOTE VERBALE by UN Protocol

Specialized UN Agencies and related Organizations
Representatives of specialized agencies and related organizations must apply for registration as follows.
Those entities with an office in New York or otherwise enrolled in the eRegistration system should register their delegations through the ¡°designated eRegistration focal points¡± of their respective liaison offices in New York, who have access to the . Delegations are advised to do so as early as possible to ensure timely registration.
Those entities without an office in New York or not enrolled in the eRegistration system that wish to participate in the Conference must enroll in the online ¡°eRegistration system¡± in advance in order to register to the Conference. To request temporary access in the eRegistration system, the instructions in the ¡°Guidelines to apply for eRegistration Temporary Access¡± posted on the Protocol website need to be followed. Requests for temporary access to the eRegistration system must be received by the Protocol Office no later than 25 October 2024. The review and processing of these requests may take up to 4-5 days.
Registration period for the Conference is as follows:
- Pre-registration in New York: 4 October to 20 November 2024
- Online onsite registration in Gaborone: 5 to 12 December 2024 (till 1:00 pm local time)
Delegations are advised to do so as early as possible to ensure timely registration. It is possible to request registration onsite in Gaborone, but the request will need to be submitted through the respective mission or liaison office in New York or otherwise via the ¡°online eRegistration system¡± and will take a day or two for review and processing.
Delegations wishing to obtain further information on the ¡°eRegistration system¡± may refer to the updated ¡°Guidelines on e-Registration¡± and ¡°Frequently asked questions¡± on the Protocol website at /dgacm/en/content/protocol/meetings.
For further information, view the NOTE VERBALE by UN Protocol

UN Secretariat, entities, departments, funds and programmes and regional commissions
Registration is open for UN Secretariat departments and offices, UN regional commissions, UN entities, funds and programmes, such as ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNCDF, UNEP, UNDRR, UN-Women, and WFP among others.
Registration period to the Conference is as follows:
- Pre-registration online in New York: 4 October to 20 November 2024
- On-site registration in Gaborone: 5 to 12 December 2024 (till 1:00 pm local time)
A guidance note on how to register is published here. Photograph specifications for UN grounds pass can be found here. An official letter needs to be sent to the LLDC3 Secretariat at LLDC3@un.org indicating the official list of all participating staff members in order to facilitate the approval process.
We¡¯re experiencing temporary technical issues with non-governmental stakeholder registration and are working to resolve them. Thank you for your patience.
Representatives of accredited non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions or private sector entities must apply for registration through one of the two following links, depending on the accreditation status of the organization they will be representing.
Civil society organizations, private sector entities, academic institutions and other stakeholders in consultative status with the ECOSOC are individual representatives . Please note that you must present a signed letter from the head of the organization - on the organization's letterhead. A single letter may be used to list the nominated representatives, but EACH nominated representative must register individually in the system. By completing you are APPLYING for registration. You will not be considered registered until your application is APPROVED. *You must create an account in Indico in order to access the application.*
Civil society organization, private sector entities, academic institutions and other stakeholders that have received SPECIAL ACCREDITATION to LLDC3 or any of the eligible conferences are invited to apply for registration . Please note that you must present a signed letter from the head of the organization - on the organization's letterhead. A single letter may be used to nominate [10 representatives] however, EACH nominated representative must register individually in the system. By completing this you are APPLYING for registration. You will not be considered registered until your application is APPROVED. *You must create an account in Indico in order to access the application.*
Media representatives including journalists, photographers and videographers who are not part of official delegations, must apply for accreditation through the United Nations Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU) online form available at: (when completing the form, select Temporary Pass in the Pass Details section, and enter the conference title and dates in the Assignment fields.)
Media representatives applying independently are required to upload a letter of assignment from a bona fide media organization. Accreditation is open from 4 October to 20 November 2024.
Media representatives who are a part of official delegations, including official photo and video, must register through their respective permanent/observer mission or liaison office in New York. Designated e-Registration users may refer to the instructions at /en/media/accreditation/pdf/eRegistration_guide_media_passes.pdf
Pre-registration of delegation media is open from 4 October to 20 November 2024.On-site registration of delegation media and collection of conference badges for pre-registered media will begin on 5 December and continue until 12 December 2024. at the United Nations Registration Centre in Gaborone
Delegation media personnel seeking on-site registration will be instructed to submit the request through their respective permanent/observer mission or liaison office in New York (via e-Registration). For questions regarding media accreditation at LLDC3, please contact MALU at malu@un.org.