Leading up to the Seventh High-level Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) in October 2024, the UN Chronicle asked Paloma Merodio Gómez, former UN-GGIM Co-Chair and Vice President of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía of Mexico, about geospatial information as fundamental to sustainable development.

Who Is Protecting Antarctica’s Environment?
Alessandro Antonello
The Antarctic Treaty System, in place since 1961, is principally dedicated to the environmental threats that arise locally, including those from fishing, tourism and scientific research.

Sustainable Stories: Empowering Children to Shape Their Own Future
It's crucial to show young children the possibilities available to them in a positive way, but it’s equally important to ensure that their environment can fully support them.

The Crisis of Global Displacement in a Time of Insecurity
There is a difference between choosing to move and being forced to flee. That difference is essential in learning how to deal with the current wave of global insecurity.
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Holocaust Remembrance for Dignity and Human Rights
Today, genocidal and other atrocity violence occurs in all corners of the globe, largely unabated and with near-total impunity. Even in places that do not make headlines, individuals and communities are targeted for identity-based discrimination and violence.

International Solidarity Map for Peace and Human Rights
International solidarity is a principle that recalls the responsibility of States, international organizations, corporations and civil society to strengthen the enjoyment of human rights and peace by everyone through transnational networks of communication.

Moving Away from Illicit Crop Production Contributes to Socioeconomic Development, Peace and Stability
Over the past two decades, UNODC has supported hundreds of thousands of families in finding dignified incomes away from illicit crops.
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Ukrainian Classical Music in the Face of War
The ongoing war has an overarching strategic objective, in addition to petty territorial conquest: the destruction of the Ukrainian national identity.

Safeguarding Human Rights and Information Integrity in the Age of Generative AI
Together, we can ensure that generative AI is used appropriately, and that its benefits are achieved without endangering information integrity and human rights.

The United Nations in a World of Rising Global Challenges
The direction of the work of the United Nations in the coming months and years will focus on how our institution can better address peace and security, sustainable development and human rights for all, including future generations.

How Critical Energy Transition Minerals Can Pave the Way for Shared Prosperity
Now is the time to leverage critical energy transition minerals to update the international trade regime, promote structural diversification and turn the tide of commodity dependence once and for all.
Chronicle Conversations
Youth Issues
The UN Awake at Night Podcast
What does it take to be a United Nations worker in some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous locations?
How are UN humanitarians, human rights advocates, prosecutors, development experts, climate leaders and peacekeepers improving our world? Stationed in all reaches of the world and witness to suffering and atrocities, how are they helping people and coping themselves?
Legacy Showcase

Implementing the 2030 Agenda: The Challenge of Conflict
This issue looks at the link between conflict and the implementation and attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. The articles examine, among other things, children and armed conflict, climate change, terrorism and food security.

The Quest for Water
“The Quest for Water” focuses on ensuring availability and sustainable management of water for all. The articles explore important issues such as ecosystems in the global water cycle and the role of gender and social inclusion in achieving the water-related goals and targets. This issue of the digital magazine of the UN system “buoys” the launch of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028. ?Front cover by Bob Sherman Photography.
Latest Reports

In 2025, the world celebrates 30 years of achievement on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a visionary 1995 plan agreed by 189 governments to achieve the equal rights of all women and girls. The UN Secretary-General’s report on the 30-year review and appraisal of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action reflects global, regional, and national reviews of 159 countries, summarizing progress and priorities for further action.
About the UN Chronicle
The UN Chronicle, produced by the United Nations Department of Global Communications, has served as the Organization’s flagship magazine since 1946, providing authoritative information and debate on the activities of the larger United Nations system. Learn more...