
Glacier in a mountain




ILO Director-General Message

Glacier preservation is central to economic growth, employment and decent work for billions of people. Glacial retreat, and the floods and sea level rise that it can cause, are a threat to the livelihoods of all who depend on agriculture, fishing, forestry and tourism.

Glaciers world over are shrinking. In Central Europe, North and South America, Central Asia and New Zealand glaciers are retreating, with possibly devastating consequences for the people that depend on them for water. In Africa, the iconic Mount Kilimanjaro is losing its ice field. Globally, glaciers and ice caps, excluding the large polar ice sheets, are projected to lose about 60 per cent of their mass if we don’t mitigate climate change.

It does not have to be this way. We can reverse the trend of glacier loss through climate action and a just transition to sustainable economies and societies. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and managing meltwater more sustainably, we can stop glacier melt while also creating new jobs in environmentally-friendly industries and services. Through social dialogue, governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations can also contribute to this transition.

On this year’s World Water Day, I urge countries to support our efforts to save the glaciers. Our planet depends on it.

ILO Director-General, Gilbert F. Houngbo

We can reverse the trend of glacier loss through climate action and a just transition to sustainable economies and societies."

Gilbert F. Houngbo