
Natural Resources and the Environment

Imataca is an extensive and hugely diverse, tropical humid forest located the southeast of Venezuela. The Kariña live in small groups of extended families at the heart of the forest reserve. The Kariña women, in coordination with the Venezuelan government and , created a company to revitalise areas degraded by mining. The project, which also aims to increase gender equality in the forestry sector, supports the Kariña women in actively leading the development of their territories and the conservation of the area’s biodiversity.

A groundbreaking  , warns that millions of used cars, vans and minibuses shipped from Europe, the United States of America and Japan to the developing world are polluting and unsafe. 

On the one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic could increase awareness of environmental risks and bring about shifts that could accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. On the other hand, there is a risk that financially weakened firms, amidst heightened economic uncertainty, will reduce their investments in long-horizon, capital-intensive green projects. The  by looks at past episodes of financial and economic stress to gauge the likely impact of the current crisis on firms’ environmental performance.

North-East Tobago declared as UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

To build knowledge on how nature functions to deliver goods and services to humanity, Wild for Life 2.0 campaign will bring users on a journey to 4 ecosystems, including peatlands.

Migratory birds are beneficial to us and the planet's ecosystem.  They offer critical services such as seed dispersal, pollination or pest control, but also provide jobs through tourism, research and education, and leisure activities. This 10 October for , joins forces with other organizations to promote the theme “â€. This year’s observance highlights the importance of conserving and restoring the ecological connectivity of ecosystems that support the natural movements of migratory birds that are essential for their survival.

María Cristina Ortega began her work protecting queules, an evergreen tree native to Chile, as part of an initiative, in partnership with and the Chilean government. She works at the tree nursery located in the city of Chillán at the Seed, Genetics and Entomology Center. Even during the global COVID-19 pandemic, María Cristina has continued to care for the queule seedlings. She is the mother of a child with a chronic disease, so she has had to be extra vigilant during this pandemic, but María Cristina knows how important her job is for the survival of this species.

Biodiversity is essential for people through its provision of nutritious food, clean water, medicines, and protection from extreme events.

looks at the some of the different types of wildfires, assesses their impact and what is causing them, and why accurate, real-time data is so important for action to curb them.

Anyone anywhere can access multidimensional maps and statistics showing key climate and environmental trends wherever they are, thanks to a new tool developed by Google and .

Le soleil brille dans le ciel du Tennessee, aux États-Unis d'Amérique.

This year, we celebrate and 35 years protecting the Ozone. International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, held on September 16, celebrates the collective decisions and action, guided by science, as the only way to solve major global crises. The ozone treaties’ message of working together in harmony and for the collective good is now more important than ever. The slogan of the day, ‘Ozone for life’, reminds us that not only is ozone crucial for life on Earth, but that we must continue to protect the ozone layer for future generations.

Late last year, flights were diverted from Delhi, thousands of schools were closed and people in the Indian capital were advised to stay indoors or wear masks. Now, India is gearing up for another surge in toxic air. In autumn, farmers across the northern part of the country will burn their fields to make way for a new crop. During the blazes, air pollution in Delhi can be 14 times greater than what the World Health Organization considers safe, with much of the country blanketed in a haze so thick, it can be seen from space.

Frost on an open field at dawn with wind turbines in the background.

92% of our world is exposed to polluted air causing an estimated 7 million premature deaths every year. Air pollution has detrimental impacts on climate, biodiversity and ecosystems, and quality of life in general. Improving our air quality will bring health, development and environmental benefits. Environmental health is in fact, inextricably linked to human health. This International Day of Clean Air for blue skies, we call upon everyone from governments and corporations to civil society and individuals to take action to reduce air pollution and bring transformative change in our lifestyles.

212 environmental defenders were killed in 2019, according to Global Witness. More than two thirds of total killings took place in Latin America, a region where defenders from indigenous communities are at a disproportionate risk of reprisal.

Partnerships with indigenous communities enhance the management of Protected Areas in Malaysia