Papua New Guinea Junior Ranger Program strengthens conservation
Natural Resources and the Environment
Vanishing Treasures, the partnership with the Bhutan Tiger Center aims at understanding the impact of climate change on tigers, local communities and human-tiger conflicts.
“This village needed this project, and it arrived in the right moment.”
Four ways to make your house of worship eco-friendly
Treating the forest like family
New programme aims to save threatened Indonesian forests
Mitigating human-wildlife conflict to save Indonesia’s Sumatran Tigers
In Cuba, ecosystem-based adaptation is a cost-effective way to preserve and restore natural habitats and protect coastal communities. Cuba works with community volunteers.
Habitat loss and fragmentation is a major threat to sloths. In Panama, a biodiverse country, a partner has rescued sloths for more than a decade.
Using South-South Cooperation to replicate nature-based solutions
The International Day of the Tropics celebrated each 29 June, marks the extraordinary diversity of the tropics while highlighting unique challenges and opportunities nations of the Tropics face. The Day provides an opportunity to take stock of progress across the tropics, to share tropical stories and expertise and to acknowledge the diversity and potential of the region. Some of the challenges the tropical region faces include climate change, deforestation, logging, urbanisation and demographic changes, such as hosting most of the world's people and two-thirds of its children by 2050.
The sustainable production of coffee, and indeed other crops, is more of a cultural rather than environmental commitment according to the manager of the largest coffee farm in the United States.
Ethiopia’s Kafa zone is known as the birthplace of wild Arabica coffee.
COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease, meaning that it jumps between animals and people, and is therefore closely connected to the lands both inhabit. Human and economic activity is eroding wild spaces, forests and other important ecosystems, bringing us closer to “reservoir hosts”—animals and plants that can harbour diseases. In this interview, Frank Turyatunga, Deputy Director of the United Nations Environment Programme () Africa Regional Office shares insights on how to better protect landscapes on the continent.
From countries taking action on policy issues to people raising their voices #ForNature, shows how World Environment Day was a major 2020 milestone featuring how biodiversity provides critical services for all of use.