About us
Steering Group
The Steering Group on Solutions to Internal Displacement was established in line with the UN Secretary-General’s Action Agenda on Internal Displacement. Its members currently consist of:
- (DCO)
- (DPO)
- (DPPA)
- (IOM)
- (OCHA)
- (UNDP)
The Steering Group works both at a global and country-level to drive stepped-up action and a one-UN approach to solutions.
The Steering Group assumes both operational and policy functions.
At the global-level, the group will be chaired by the Special Adviser. At the country-level, member agencies should provide predictable support to Resident Coordinators and actively participate in relevant solutions coordination mechanisms.
Hub and spokes model
The Steering Group follows a hub and spokes model, including other stakeholders in its deliberations as necessary to link up to and mobilize other relevant actors from inside and outside the UN, including Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and multi-stakeholder forums.
The Steering Group also draws upon the expertise and advice of other development actors as relevant, including the and other multilateral development banks.