Pact for the Future Zero Draft
Germany and Namibia, co-facilitators of the Summit, announce the release of the zero draft of the Pact for the Future. The draft is intended to serve as a starting point for the intergovernmental deliberations this year, with the ultimate aim of adopting an ambitious, concise, action-oriented Pact for the Future, per .
Co-facilitators' letters on the zero draft [pdf]:
Preparations for the zero draft of the Pact for the Future
In preparation for the zero draft of the Pact for the Future, the co-facilitators held consultations on 13 December 2023.
The co-facilitators also invited written inputs from Major Groups and Other Stakeholders (MGoS), other civil society networks and organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and academia. Stakeholders were encouraged to reflect on the scope of the Pact for the Future outlined in General Assembly and to provide concise, concrete and action-oriented recommendations structured around the elements of the Pact for the Future.
The invitation to submit written inputs closed on December 31. Below are the written submissions.
*By submitting written inputs, organizations consent to the publication of their contributions under their respective names.
*The United Nations reserves the right to publish or remove any submissions that do not align with the principles of the United Nations Charter or the objectives of the Summit of the Future.
*These inputs are not official documents of the United Nations. Submissions are the sole responsibility of the respective organizations. The United Nations does not control and is not responsible for the content of any external websites linked in the submissions. Furthermore, the United Nations does not endorse or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or validity of any advice, opinion, statement, or outcome presented in these written inputs.
Civil Society and other Stakeholders
*all inputs are in PDF format.
〞 A 〞
- Action against Child Exploitation (ACE)
- Action on Smoking and Health and 177 co-signatories (ASH)
- Ad-hoc Gender Working Group
- Afro4UN
- ?gora Ciudadanos Cambiando M谷xico A.C.
- Alana Institute
- Alefa Diaspora
- Alliance des G谷n谷rations pour le Climat
- Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering (DSG)
- Alliance For the Future (AFF)
- Alliance for Universal Digital Rights (AUDRi)
- Alternative Planetary Futures Institute (Ap-Fi)
- American Psychological Association, European Federation of Psychologists* Associations, Federation of Swiss Psychologists
- Amnesty International
- Anglican Consultative Council
- Anti-Crime Intelligence Society (ACIS)
- Arab NGO Network for Development
- Arts & Culture Working Group
- Associa??o pela Sa迆de Emocional de Crian?as (ASEC)
- Asian Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
- Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (APA)
- Association d*Aide 角 l*Education de l*Enfant Handicap谷 (AAEEH)
- Association Global Humaniste
〞 B 〞
- Bah芍*赤 International Community (BIC)
- Blavatnik School of Government (University of Oxford), Future of Climate Cooperation, Simon Institute for Longterm Governance, United Nations Foundation Next Generation Fellows, Institute for Future Studies, Uppsala University, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, International Chamber of Commerce, Jos谷 Jaime Villalobos
- Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC)
- Basel Peace Office
- Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit/Disability and Development Cooperation (bezev)
- Biozid Cimate Institut
- Blue Smoke
- Born Free Foundation
- Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education
- Breakthrough (Rising against gender-based violence)
- Bridge 47
〞 C 〞
- Canada Towards 2030
- Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)
- Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (CNANW)
- CANEUS International
- CDAC Network
- Center for Global Nonkilling
- Centre for Health Science and Law, Ottawa, Canada
- Center for New Sustainable Business Initiatives (CNSBI)
- Centre for Responsible Business (CRB)
- Child-Focused Agencies (Childfund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children, SOS Children*s Villages, and World Visio)
- Child Rights Connect & Terre des hommes international Federation
- Climate Governance Commission (CGC)
- Coalition 2030
- Coalition for the UN We Need
- Commission Nationale des Acteurs de la Societe Civile pour le Suiv De la Politique Economique et Sociale (CASC)
- Commons Cluster of the UN NGO Major Group
- Commonwealth Peace Youth Ambassadors Network (CYPAN)
- Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
- CONSEJO CHILENO DE PROSPECTIVA Y ESTRATEGIA (Chilean Council of Foresight and Strategy)
- Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (think tank / NGO)
- Corporaci車n Cultural Nueva Acr車polis Chile
- Creative Commons
- Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS)
- Culture 2030 Goal campaign
- Czech Council of Children and Youth
〞 D 〞
- Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery (DRGR) project
- Dem角 Social
- Democracy Without Borders (DWB)
- Democratic Odyssey Constituent Network
- Development Initiatives
- Divergent Think Tank
- DMS Academy
- Deutsche Stiftung Weltbev?lkerung (DSW)
- Deutsche Welle Akademie
〞 E 〞
- Earth Law Center
- ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector
- Emmaus International
- Engajamundo Youth Association
- Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice
- European Committee of the Regions
- The European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network (EEAC Network)
- European Minority Parliamentarians Caucus
- European Network on Independent Living (ENIL)
- European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
- E-Warehouse Consulting
〞 F 〞
- F芍brica dos Sonhos and Right to Dream Movement
- Federation of Congolese Abroad (FCE)
- Felm 1859
- Finn Church Aid (FCA)
- Fondazione Proclade Internazionale-onlus
- Forum For Global Solidarity Tax Input
- F辰s Feminista - Previously International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Region
- Fondation Eboko
- Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS)
- Foundations for Tomorrow
- Fundaci車n Multitudes
- Fundaci車n Victimas Vulnerable, Mujeres Afro Independentes (FUNVIMUFROIN)
- Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean (FILAC)
- Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
- Future Generations Global Ambassadors
- FuturePeace - A Global Network of Peace and Conflict researchers
〞 G 〞
- Gak Tabu Lagi
- Geled谷s 每 Instituto da Mulher Negra
- Generation Squeeze
- Generocity - Effective Altriutism Hong Kong
- German Library Association/ Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V. (dbv)
- Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute
- Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage and 124 organisations that work towards ending child marriage (listed in the Annex)
- Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP)
- Global Alliance of Leaders for Nuclear Security and Nuclear-Weapon-Free World (GAL)
- Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
- Global Campaign for Education-US
- Global Futurist Initiative
- Global Cities Hub
- Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors
- The Global Crop Diversity Trust
- Global Enviro-Action
- Global Forum for Media Development
- Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
- Global Initiative for Digital Rights
- Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict)
- Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP)
- Global Pact Coalition
- Global Partners Digital, Access Now, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law, Derechos Digitales - Am谷rica Latina, Association for Progressive Communications (Joint Civil Society Input)
- Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
- Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
- Global Platform for the Right to the City (GPR2C) and Habitat International Coalition (HIC)
- Global Policy Forum (GPF)
- Global Research and Action Network for a New Eco-Social Contract (Green Economy Coalition &UN Research Institute for Social Developmen)
- Global Security Institute
- GUAVA Amenities
- Guzaarish Foundation
〞 H 〞
- Habitat for Humanity International
- Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL)
- Helen Woodward Animal Center
- HelpAge International
- Hiroshima Prefecture / Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe)
- HIR Wellness Institute
- Human Rights Watch
〞 I 〞
- Igarap谷 Institute
- I*m Human Org
- Inclusive Global Health Institutions Project
- Informal Youth Working Group for the Summit of the Future
- Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security (IEDS), University of Vermont, USA
- Instituto Global da Paz/Global Peace Foundation Brazil
- International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
- International Alliance of Women (IAW)
- International Association of Independent Journalists Inc.
- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
- International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
- International Council of Environmental law (ICEL)
- International Environment Forum (IEF)
- International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
- International Federation of Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (IFCCD)
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
- International Federation of Social Workers IFSW
- International Intel
- International Music Council
- International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
- International Rescue Committee
- International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group
- International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI GloCha
- Interpeace (International organisation for peacebuilding)
- International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) Plan International
- Irish Development Education Association (IDEA)
- IT for Change, India
〞 J 〞
- Japan 每 Africa Space Business Network (JASBN)
- Japan Association of Environment and Society for the 21st Century (JAES21)
〞 K 〞
- Khaldoon Alshatheely
〞 L 〞
- LDC (Least Developed Countries) Watch
- Leeds Beckett University (United Kingdom)
- Legal Pact for the Future
- Life Project 4 Youth (LP4Y)
- ListenGive Initiative
- Luxembourg Strategy
〞 M 〞
- Make Mothers Matter (MMM)
- Malaysian Youth Diplomacy (MyDiplomacy)
- Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV)
- Microsoft
- Monash Sustainable Development Institute
- Moon Village Association (MVA)
- MUNers Without Borders
- My World Mexico
〞 N 〞
- National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan)
- National Peace Corps Association
- National Student Council (NSC)
- NCD Alliance
- Network of Institutions and Leaders for Future Generations (NiFG)
- New York City Bar Association
- New York University Center on International Cooperation
- NGO Committee on Sustainable Development - NY, Inc.
- NGO Committee on Financing for Development
- NGO Working Group to End Homelessness
- Nonviolent Peaceforce
- Nursing Now Global Challengers Committee
〞 O 〞
〞 P 〞
- P.P. International Climate Change Ambassadors
- Paris Peace Forum: Climate Overshoot Commission
- Parliament of the World's Religions
- Partnership for Future Generations in Africa
- Peace Child International
- Peace Direct
- Peace Through Unity Charitable Trust
- Plan Internationa
- Playfight
- PMU 每 Swedish Pentecostal Churches, relief and development body
- POLILAT 每 Consultor赤a pol赤tica con sentido
- Posterity International
- Private Sector Mechanism of UN Committee on Food Security
- Project Liberty*s Institute
- Project Ploughshares
〞 Q 〞
〞 R 〞
- R.K Atikpo Foundation LBG
- Red Agenda 2030 MX
- Reporters sans fronti豕res (RSF)
- The Republican Public Association for Sustainable Development of Regions "Asyl Niet"
- Restless Development
- RISE Institute
- Royal Holloway, University of London
- Running-Fluent Initiative
- Rural Reconstruction Nepal-RRN
〞 S 〞
- Safety Centre Hazard Alley
- SAHRiNGON Tanzania Chapter
- Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development
- Save the Children International
- Scholars at Risk
- School of International Futures
- The Strategic Concept for the Removal of Arms and Proliferation (SCRAP Weapons)
- SDG4 Youth and Students Network
- Secure World Foundation
- SecurityWomen
- Shanghai Green Light-Year Environmental Service Center
- Shrawani Shagun Academician
- Social Watch
- Soka Gakkai International
- Solidaris - Union Nationale des Mutualit谷s Socialistes - Solidaris (Solidaris)
- Sonmaz Mashall Cultural Relations Public Union
- Space Generation Advisory Council in support of the United Nations Programme on Space Applications (abbreviated Space Generation Advisory Council, or SGAC)
- Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future
- Stimson Center / Global Governance Innovation Network
- Stockholm International Water Institute
- Suomen YK-Liitto United Nations Association of Finland
- Sustainable Common Security
- Sustainable Development Council
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)
〞 T 〞
- Teach the Future
- Team 54 Project International
- The Centre for Applied Cultural Heritage Research at The Kivik*s Museum & Archives Foundation (Sweden)
- The Commonwealth Scholarships Commission
- The Foundation for the Voluntary Team for Humanitarian Work
- The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- The Global Youth Review
- The International Association for Human Values (IAHV)
- The Ishola Empire Incorporated
- The Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind (commonly known as Sightsavers)
- The Student Political Research Initiative for New Governance (SPRING) Institute
- The Tomorrow
- The Transparency, Accountability & Participation (TAP) Network
- The Working Group on Girls (WGG)
- The World Hepatitis Alliance
- The Young Canadians Roundtable on Health (YCRH)
- Tianjin Eco-city Friend of Green Eco-Culture Promotion Association
- Transboundary Water In-Cooperation Network (TWIN), Vermont, USA
- Transparency International Defence & Security
〞 U 〞
- UHC2030
- UK SDG Data and Policy Hub
- UN-accountable
- UNASCAD (Union des Amis Socio Culturels d*Action en D谷veloppement)
- UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden
- UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES Coalition for Sustainability Science
- UNISC International
- United Against Torture Consortium
- United Nations Association of Mongolia
- United Nations Civil Society Youth Representatives Steering Committee (UN YRSC)
- United Institutions Foundation
- Unlock the Future Coalition
- Ustawi Analytica
〞 W 〞
- War Child
- Well-being of Future Generations (Japan) Act Project
- Women First International Fund (previously Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund)
- Women Graduates 每 USA, Inc
- Women in AI Ethics
- Women*s Corner Cameroon (WoCC)
- Women*s Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI)
- Women*s International League for Peace and Freedom
- Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, Norwegian section 每 IKFF-Bergen
- Women*s Platform
- World Academy of Human Sciences
- World Benchmarking Alliance
- World Eco-Design Conference (WEDC)
- World Federalist Movement 每 Institute for Global Policy
- World Federalist Movement / Institute for Global Policy 每 Transnational Working Group on Artificial Intelligence and other disruptive technologies
- World Federation for Animals
- World Future Council
- World Health Professions Alliance (WHPA)
- World Institute on Disability
- World Jewish Congress
- World Peace Alliance
- World Roma Federation
- World Student Platform for Engineering Education Development (SPEED)
- Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
〞 Y 〞
- Youth Empowerment Wave Global (YEW Global) Foundation
- York University, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), International Association of Universities (IAU)
- Young Experts; Tech 4 Heath (YET4H)
- Youth for Change
- ※YouthLED§ Integrity Advisory Board to the Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment (GRACE) Initiative at the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
- Youths Enterprise Development & Innovation Society (YEDIS)