Photo credit: Ted McGrath, Visual Hunt
Technological Areas and Innovative Systems
The Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network is committed to identify and advance the most important and most promising integrated water and energy solutions. The preliminary review performed by the Secretariat has identified initial areas where technologies and innovative systems are available to advance sustainable water and energy solutions. The identified areas briefly described here represent the initial priority content for the Global Knowledge Platform.
Technological Systems Using Water for Energy
Hydropower Generation from Surface Water Resources
Hydropower from large dams and reservoirs accounts for about 16 per cent of today¡¯s global electricity generation, and about 70 per cent of all electricity produced from renewable sources. Around the world, more than 70 large-scale hydropower dams (with more than 2,000 MW capacity each) are currently in operation, and nearly 20 more large dams are being planned or under construction.
Over the years, the International Hydropower Association, which is also a member of the Global Water and Energy Solutions Network, has established Hydropower Sustainability Guidelines on Good International Industry Practice, the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol (HSAP) and the Hydropower Sustainability Environmental, Social and Governance Gap Analysis Tool. These tools are helping the industry, including project planners, operators, assessors, regulators, and investors, to comply in full with all sustainability principles, concepts and standards. These hydropower sustainability tools are governed by the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Council which is a multi-stakeholder organization.
Large hydropower stations can sustainably produce electricity at low cost. Hydropower stations can have a very long service life and, once constructed, hydropower generation produces relatively low direct waste or greenhouse gas emissions. Water temporarily stored in the reservoirs is returned to the river usually without major changes and only some water is consumed through evaporation. Apart from generation, storage hydropower also provides flexibility and ancillary services, water management services, and enables higher penetration of variable renewable energy.
Many hydropower stations have already been operating for many years, and some are in need of extensive maintenance, repairs, or turbine refurbishments. Modernization, automation, and capacity expansion of existing hydropower facilities may require significant investment but offer great potentials for increasing electric power output in a more efficient manner in relation to water use. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its report on hydropower in 2011 pointed out the needs and the economic opportunities of renovation, modernization and upgrading of hydropower facilities. The World Bank has also addressed these issues in a recently launched report on operating and maintenance strategies for hydropower.
The majority of the world¡¯s large dams were not built for hydropower purposes, but for water management purposes, such as irrigation, flood control, navigation, and urban water supply schemes. Water management dams release their water reserves, mostly by gravity via canals and pipes to where the water is needed for irrigation, urban water supply, or other purposes. There are large unused potentials for producing electricity from non-conventional small-scale hydropower turbines, as the water flows towards the users. Retrofitting some of these existing dams with turbines may represent a substantial hydropower potential with only limited environmental impacts, because only about 25 per cent of large reservoirs are currently used for hydropower generation.
The Knowledge Platform may provide relevant information including data and statistics to planners and decision makers to assess the potentials for retrofits, which would need to be carefully planned on a case-by-case basis and assessing environmental impacts.
For more information, please see the following references:
International Hydropower Association:
International Hydropower Association:
International Hydropower Association: Hydropower Sustainability Environmental, Social and Governance Gap Analysis Tool
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Hydropower Chapter 5 (2011):
United States Department of Energy (USDOE) (2014):
Run-of-River Hydropower Generation
Run-of-river (RoR) hydroelectric plants generate electricity by using parts of natural river water flows and natural elevation differences. Water from the turbines is released on-site and returned unaffected back into the river. Fast flowing rivers with steady seasonal waters offer good options for genuinely sustainable run-of-river power generation.
Whilst there are about 70 large-scale run-of-river hydropower stations around the world with capacities ranging from 100 to 1,500 MW, most commercial RoR power stations are smaller and have capacities between 15 and 75 MW. The production rate of run-of- river projects is typically more stable than those of wind or solar-power systems, but production may vary depending on the seasonal volume of water. Run- of-river hydropower generation is an important renewable climate friendly source of energy. However, in some regions production could be constrained in the future if and where regional weather and precipitation patterns change.
The Global Knowledge Platform could include international information not only on the design, construction and operation of RoR power plants, but also on possibilities for capacity expansion, efficiency and sustainability enhancements. Information sharing on smaller run-of-river power stations will be of particular interest to those developing countries which seek to enhance the use of their rivers for affordable, sustainable, and climate-neutral electricity generation.
For more information, please see the following references:
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:
Pumped-Storage Hydropower and Energy Storage from Hydropower Reservoirs
Hydropower also serves as a major source of energy storage. In such a system, water is pumped from a lower reservoir into an upper reservoir during off-peak hours, while flows are reversed to generate electricity during the daily peak load period or at other times of need. Although some losses can occur during the pumping process, pumped-storage hydropower provides great economic and environmental benefits. Pumped storage is the largest capacity form of grid energy storage presently available worldwide. Integrated systems that use new renewable energy sources such as wind and solar could be used to supplement the process of pumping water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir.
With an estimated total global capacity of 140,000 MW, pumped-storage plants play a crucial role in making electric power supply systems more viable and sustainable. Japan has over 27,000 MW, the US has about 23,000 MW, and Europe has about 25,000 MW of operating, but also aging, pump storage facilities. Pumped storage facilities can produce even more electricity with less water in the future if the older existing plants install newer turbines and generators, and if the use of variable speed drive technology is increased. Rehabilitation and modernization of pumped-storage facilities has emerged as a major trend in the past years.
A recent comprehensive policy brief published by the Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources of the United Nations University (UNU-FLORES) has highlighted important options for hydropower reservoirs to provide energy storage for balancing and for a better integration of renewables. Hydropower has an important role to enable the integration of higher share variable renewables in energy.
A Norwegian team of researchers being led by the Center for Environmental Design of Renewable Energy (CEDREN) and SINTEF is studying valuable options for Norwegian hydropower stations to balance fluctuations in power generation of intermittent renewable energy sources in the European power grid.
The Global Knowledge Platform on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions could include information relevant to pumped storage facilities, and encourage stakeholders to undertake continued investments in the operational efficiency of the existing facilities, also with a view to ensure optimal use of limited water and energy resources.
For more information, please see the following references:
CEDREN, HydroBalance:
Harby, A., et al (2015):
United Nations University, Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) (2015):
Water-Based Cooling Systems in Thermoelectric Power Plants
Global power generation depends for more than 70 per cent of its capacity on thermal power plants using coal, natural gas, or nuclear fuel. The thermal power sector withdraws very significant amounts of water for cooling, mostly from surface water sources. Much of the cooling water is returned to the source after use but often at a higher temperature than at the withdrawal, thus potentially causing thermal pollution with negative impacts on aquatic life. As estimated by the IEA, worldwide power generation including primary energy production accounts for approximately 10 per cent of total global water withdrawals, and some 3 per cent of total water consumption.
The intensity of water use and energy dissipated varies with the respective fuels and the generation and cooling technologies. There are three main types of cooling technologies: ¡°once-through,¡± ¡°wet-tower¡± (recirculation system), and air-cooled condensers for ¡°dry cooling¡±. There are trade- offs associated with each cooling technology in terms of water withdrawals versus consumption, capital costs, and impacts on water supplies. In general, once-through technologies are the most efficient and have the lowest capital cost requirements but have the highest withdrawal rate. Wet- tower technologies withdraw less water but consume more. Dry cooling on the other hand uses very little water but is more expensive and has the lowest efficiency.
After hydropower, thermoelectric power generation is one of the most important areas of focus in the water-energy nexus because of its dependence on water resource availability for cooling. Cooling needs vary with the fuel type and the power plant combustion technology and its efficiency. Coal-fired power plants typically have higher cooling needs than natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plants. Nuclear power plants have much higher and special cooling technology needs. There are multiple options for reducing water withdrawal and water consumption of thermoelectric plants. One approach is to reduce the generation of waste heat through more efficient power cycles (e.g. recompression closedloop Brayton Cycle). Another approach to improve the water efficiency of cooling systems is through modifications and advancements in technology, including more efficient air flow design, improved water recovery systems, changing over to hybrid or dry cooling, and treatment of water from blowdown.
Making existing and future power plants more energy-efficient and less freshwater consuming will need to be a core concern for policy makers and managers of power systems. The Global Knowledge Platform may serve to publicize and share information on energy and water efficient power plant designs, the related products and processes, and the successful implementation of good practices.
For more information, please see the following references:
International Energy Agency:
Geothermal Energy Use for Heating and Electric Power Generation
Geothermal energy systems, also known as hydrothermal energy systems, are widely considered an important renewable resource, as the constant flow of heat from the core of the earth ensures an uninterrupted, inexhaustible, and essentially limitless supply of energy. Some applications of geothermal energy use the earth¡¯s temperatures near the surface, whilst other systems require drilling deep wells.
More importantly, geothermal power plants can transform natural heat into electricity whilst mitigating carbon emissions. In 2017, the aggregate global geothermal power generation capacity stood at 14 GW, with a total annual production of an estimated 84.8 TWh. Global geothermal power capacity is expected to rise to over 17 GW by 2023, with the biggest capacity additions expected in Indonesia, Kenya, Philippines and Turkey. Geothermal power generation at scale is only economical in or near volcanically or tectonically active regions.
Geothermal power plants consume less water per kilowatt-hour of lifetime energy output than other electric power generation technologies. However, lifecycle water consumption varies with the specific type of the geothermal power plant system. Geothermal power plants can provide a stable production output, unaffected by seasonal or climatic variations, resulting in high capacity factors (ranging from 60 to 90 per cent) and making the technology suitable for baseload production. However, each geothermal source is unique in its location, temperature and pool depth, and the choice of suitable designs and geothermal technologies will need to be adapted in each case.
Several international expert networks have been established to facilitate technology and information exchange among geothermal experts around the world. These include the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) on Geothermal of the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Global Geothermal Alliance, supported by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), as well as the International Geothermal Association (IGA). The Global Knowledge Platform on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions may complement these networks and facilitate their interaction and information exchange, particularly with a view to benefit experts from developing countries.
For more information, please see the following references:
International Energy Agency:
International Renewable Energy Agency:
Ocean Energy Technologies
Ocean energy technologies are commonly categorised based on the resource utilised to generate energy. Ocean energy includes tidal stream, tidal range, wave energy and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). The theoretical resource potential of ocean energy is more than enough to meet present and projected global electricity demand well into the future. IRENA projects in its Energy Transition scenario aligned with the objectives of the Paris Agreement (REmap case) that ocean energy could exceed 100 GW of installed capacity by 2050. At present, ocean energy technologies are still in developmental stages, with most technologies in the prototype phase and some just reaching commercialisation and cumulative installed capacity only amounting to 529 MW in 2018. Nevertheless, substantial growth in deployment and installed capacity is expected in the coming years.
Tidal stream and wave energy converters are the technologies of greatest medium-term relevance. They are the most advanced ocean energy technologies available, albeit at a pre-commercial stage. Tidal projects can produce variable, but highly predictable, energy flows. Several pilot projects are also under way to generate electricity from ocean waves. Offshore tidal energy systems account for the smallest portion of renewable electricity globally, and the majority of projects remains at the demonstration phase. However, with large, well-distributed resources, offshore tidal has the potential to scale up over the long term. A number of pioneering companies is also exploring hybrid renewable energy projects with combined wind and wave technology, as well as ocean-based floating wind or solar farms.
Other ocean energy technologies that harness energy from the differences in temperature and salinity of ocean water such as OTEC may become increasingly relevant over longer time horizon. OTEC¡¯s generation is based on the temperature difference between the surface and deeper layers of the ocean. The largest OTEC plant is in Hawaii as a testing facility with an installed power capacity of 210 kW. OTEC plants continue to be of interest, particularly in island applications, as they provide the possibility of using the cold deep water as well as the warm surface water flow for purposes other than energy generation, such as desalination, aquaculture and cooling.
The International Energy Agency supports a Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) on Ocean Energy Systems with a view to accelerate the viability, uptake and acceptance of ocean energy systems in an environmentally acceptable way. There are currently 21 contracting parties, including developing country partners from China, Mexico, Nigeria, and South Africa.
IRENA, as a leading global intergovernmental organization dedicated to energy transformation, is supporting countries in gaining access to the latest knowledge on marine energy, in the context of national strategies to achieve SDG 7 (energy) and SDG 14 (oceans), and support capacity building and international cooperation to foster a global blue economy. IRENA provides a common vision on marine energy potential and expected changes in the market, helping to disseminate the best marine energy experiences and providing to policy makers case studies, business cases and facts on the technology.
The Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Knowledge Platform may also support the dissemination of information on ocean energy projects with a view to encourage further research and development efforts in this potentially important renewable energy area.
For more information, please see the following references:
International Energy Agency:
Bioenergy is renewable energy from organic material corresponding to the feedstock categories of agriculture, forestry and waste. Bioenergy can be used for transportation, heating and generation of electricity. Sustainable bioenergy can contribute to climate change objectives helping to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. It can also contribute to agriculture and rural development and energy security. It is important, however, that bioenergy development be based on sustainable water management practices that take into account other uses of water as well as food security. Integrated approaches to bioenergy include innovative systems and strategies that maximize water use efficiency. Furthermore, a variety of examples exists of bioenergy systems in different world regions that contribute positively to the state of water.
For more information, please see the following references:
Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) & International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy (2016):
Hydrogen is light, storable and energy-dense and has no direct emissions of pollutants or GHGs. Hydrogen production through water electrolysis represents an energy option that has been gaining momentum in the last decade. Hydrogen can be produced from water by utilizing electrolysers that split water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity. With declining costs for solar PV and wind, renewable electricity could be used to produce hydrogen. Hydrogen has a great potential as a clean source of energy for the transportation, building, industry and power sectors.
Technology Systems using Energy for Water
Today more than ever sustainable water solutions are needed to support nations in their fights against health crises such as the 2020 pandemic due to Covid-19. For the 3 billion people without basic handwashing facilities at home, practicing social distancing represents a real challenge. Innovative water-energy services resulting from integrated approaches in water and energy provide effective ways to expand water access while using clean sources of energy. For regions experiencing water stress and with population at risk due to COVID-19, integrated water and energy approaches can make a difference.
A large number of countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia are under serious freshwater stress. Desalination plays an important role to meet freshwater needs in selected locations. Water desalination is highly energy intensive and energy needs are typically met by fossil fuels, mostly natural gas. Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from desalination are widely projected to increase rapidly. Nevertheless, desalination combined with renewable energy and storage energy represents a very promising integrated system that will allow cost savings and avoidance of greenhouse emissions. In several countries, including Cabo Verde, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, and Spain, projects have been initiated to demonstrate the economic viability of seawater desalination using renewable sources of energy.
The most prevalent forms of desalination include thermal desalination and reverse osmosis (RO). Thermal desalination uses heat energy to separate distillate from high salinity water. In reverse osmosis, membrane barriers and pumping energy are used to separate salts from high salinity water. Desalination technologies can be used to treat brackish groundwater, surface water, seawater, or even wastewater.
Global desalination capacity has grown from 64 million m3/day in 2010 to close to 98 million m3/day in 2015. Countries where desalination is most used include the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United States, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Australia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, China, Kuwait, and Israel. Reverse osmosis is the predominant type of desalination technology today. As energy needs and energy costs are high, desalination facilities are often located near power plants. The cost of desalination can vary greatly. In some US States, like in California, applicable environmental standards and legislation are more stringent than in other US states, like Florida. Depending on the desalination technology used and the method of calculation, present costs of water desalination vary between US$ 0.60/m3 in the Arabian Gulf region, US$ 1.63/m3 in Australia, and US$ 1.86/m3 in the United States.
Seawater desalination is an important option for addressing water supply challenges in water-scarce regions. The energy intensity of desalination processes has dramatically decreased from some 15 kWh/m3 in the 1970s to about 2.5 kWh/m3 today, thanks in large part to reverse osmosis technology improvements. Whereas desalination may offer local solutions to address the growing freshwater shortages in fossil fuel rich countries of the Middle East, the scenario of rapidly growing global energy (fossil fuel) use for desalination is causing concerns over growing greenhouse gas emissions and accelerating climate change.
The Global Knowledge Platform on Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions may include case studies on desalination and renewable energy use, and it may also consider designating a focal point as an expert to facilitate collaborative information exchange on this topic.
For more information, please see the following references:
IRENA, Renewable Desalination: Technology Options for Islands (2015):
GWI Desal Data & IDA:
Efficiency of Water Use in Water Supply and Distribution Systems
Water supply, treatment and distribution, as well as wastewater collection and treatment are typically in the domain of municipalities and public enterprises. The two primary sources of water are groundwater and surface water.
Groundwater typically has a better quality. Surface water systems require more water treatment than groundwater systems and are thus more energy intensive. Surface water typically contains a high suspended solids content, bacteria, algae, and organic matter.
Two processes are commonly used to treat surface water. Conventional treatment includes clarification, sand filtration, activated carbon adsorption, and disinfection. Advanced treatment includes ultrafiltration technology. Groundwater is also treated to remove iron or other particles. Most drinking water is disinfected to ensure public health.
Water supply systems require pumping. Where possible, gravity should be used to transport water from where it is to where it is needed. In order to minimize energy use in water supply systems, pumps should be sized appropriately. Installation of variable speed drives whose speed varies to match flow conditions can reduce energy cost. The use of supervisory controls and data acquisition (SCADA) and hydraulic modelling also offers options for analysing and enhancing efficiency in water supply systems, which so far only some utilities have fully exploited.
Water facilities also need to promote water efficiency and conversation by detecting and fixing water leaks in transportation or distribution. Water facilities should also ensure that end users are adequately aware and avoid wasteful forms of water consumption, which will in turn also help to save energy.
Human conveyances, such as (gravity fed) drinking water flows provide opportunities for non-traditional hydropower technology deployment while minimizing civil works and environmental impacts. Highlighting, documenting and collecting data on such type of previously overlooked sustainable water and energy solutions could be supported by the Knowledge Platform.
Various sources are available to share information on energy and water saving opportunities in water supply and inform relevant decision makers and the concerned engineering community. Under its BlueSCities Programme the European Community has supported the compilation of a comprehensive Compendium of best practices for water, waste-water, solid waste, and climate adaptation. The Global Knowledge Platform may complement these efforts, highlighting the operational, financial and environmental co-benefits of energy efficiency improvement in water supply.
For more information, please see the following references:
United States Department of Energy:
KWR Watercycle Research Institute (Autors: Koop, S., et al (2019):
Ramos, H. M., (2012); Energy Efficiency in Water Supply Systems:
Walski, T., Andrews, T., (2015): Energy Savings in Water and Wastewater Systems, A Bentley White Paper
Wastewater Collection and Treatment Systems
Wastewater is a dependable and potentially very valuable water resource. Wastewater could contain nutrients and energy-rich organic carbon. Just as solid waste needs to be separated and recycled, wastewater needs to be collected, and its components separated and recycled.
Wastewater treatment typically requires more energy than water supply. Wastewater needs to be collected and transported to treatment facilities. Like water supply, wastewater transportation should make use of gravity and energy efficient pumps. Wastewater from households and industries contains many contaminants. Several physical, chemical and biological processes are used to remove these contaminants and produce treated wastewater that is safe enough to be released into the environment. Semi solid waste or slurry, also called sewage sludge, is a by-product of the treatment process. Some sludge can be used as fertilizer, or as source for biogas, or, once dried, for on-site incineration and combined heat and power generation.
Sewage plants have high energy needs, and in some cases energy bills can account for as much as 30 percent of total operating needs. Specific power consumption of state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plants should be between 20 and 45 kWh/person (or population equivalent)/year. Power consumption (per person serviced) is typically lower in large plants serving more than 100,000 inhabitants. Smaller plants have relatively higher, specific power consumption. However, with an integrated approach to water treatment, energy efficiency can be improved in many facilities. In some cases, wastewater treatment plants have been converted from net energy users to net energy producers. Some of the most essential measures to enhance efficiency in wastewater treatment include:
- Storm water and wastewater collection should not mix. Separate piping systems are needed to avoid drainage of storm water into sewerage treatment plants. Rainwater does not need to be treated the same way as wastewater. ¡°Green¡± infrastructure and buildings can catch and use rainwater or allow it to drain into the soil.
- Aeration systems typically account for about half of a wastewater treatment plant¡¯s energy use. The use of improved system controls, energy-efficient blowers, and energy-efficient diffuser technologies can reduce energy costs in this area.
- Larger water treatment plants can recover biogas or dried sludge from sludge digesters which can be burned in small-scale on-site Combined Heat-and-Power (CHP) Plants.
- A measure to save energy is to avoid ¡°over-treatment¡± of wastewater. Various industrial or agricultural users can re-use wastewater that is only partially treated, thus avoiding the cost that a complete treatment would otherwise have required.
- Many technical options are available to economically recover heat from wastewater, even on a small scale. Heat can be used on-site or marketed in the vicinity.
With globally growing awareness of micro-plastics pollution, treatment of wastewater will likely become more challenging and more energy-intensive in the future.
In spite of its importance for sustainable development, wastewater treatment has failed to attract the necessary public or political attention. Modernization of wastewater treatment facilities is thus often rather slow. Studies have shown that there remains a large potential of unused opportunities to improve energy efficiency in wastewater treatment, and to produce green heat and power from these sources, simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the process. The Global Knowledge Platform may serve as a mechanism to disseminate information about these opportunities with a view to promote a further path to sustainable development.
For more information, please see the following references:
United States Environmental Protection Agency:
United States Department of Energy:
United Nations, UN Water:
Meeting Basic Water and Energy Needs of the Urban and Rural Poor ¨C Leave No One Behind
Integrated planning and decision making is not only important at the national, macro-economic, state or city level, but also in the context of addressing urban and rural poverty. Globally an estimated 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water and almost 1 billion people still have no access to electricity. In most cases, people lack access to both water and energy services, particularly in rural areas and peripheral urban areas, where infrastructure and health services are also missing.
"Leave No One Behind" is one of the major concern reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Today the poorest segments of the population are usually the ones who lack the three basic services of energy, water and sanitation. About the two-thirds of people in rural areas who lack access to clean drinking water also lack access to electricity. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and health crisis call for effective actions and international cooperation to ensure access to the critical services to the people who need them the most. Sustainable water and energy solutions exist and can be developed to respond to the needs of poor communities.
Decentralized renewable energy systems are pivotal for poverty reduction and integrated rural development. Off-grid integrated water and energy solutions are playing an increasing role in isolated communities. Integrated water and electricity approaches could also be based on mini-grids or grid-connected systems where water could allow power generation and also providing energy balancing and storage. Small-scale rural hydropower generation offers proven concepts for providing access to electricity at low costs enabling electricity supply to rural villages, schools and clinics. The small-scale rural hydropower potential is particularly good in mountains or hilly regions of (sub)tropical developing countries which often have an abundance of water. Other rural poverty reduction projects have successfully introduced renewable energy use for pumping water and as a source of electricity for lighting, communication and information purposes. In many developing countries a variety of projects use wind or solar power to operate small-scale water pumps that improve local communal drinking water supply or power small scale irrigation systems.
An innovative approach being promoted is the development of ¡°energy-water in a box¡± solutions that are modular, portable, reliable and cost effective. Small modular energy-water systems have the potential to serve areas where energy and water are scarce, expensive or challenging to obtain. These systems are particularly useful as a response to catastrophic events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters resulting from climate change affecting communities in isolated areas and islands. The reliability, portability and speed of deployment are key characteristics for the effectiveness of these systems during unexpected events.
The value and advantages of integrated planning and decision making on water and energy is increasingly recognized. However, it has not reached the ¡°mainstream¡± as yet. With reduction and eradication of poverty firmly enshrined in the 2020 Agenda, the Global Knowledge Platform may play an important role by collecting and disseminating information and profiles of successful integrated water and energy projects that have been implemented in developing countries in recent years, contributing to improved local living conditions in rural areas. The Knowledge Platform may serve as a mechanism to encourage and support mobilization of technical and financial resources to advance international development cooperation in this area.
For more information, please see the following references:
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: ¡°Securing Access to Water and Energy¡±, Information Brief (2014)
International Energy Agency:
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP):
United States Department of Energy (USDOE): ¡°The water security grand challenge¡± presentation by Diana Bauer at the 2019 UN HLPF side event on ¡°Scaling up climate action through integrated water and energy solutions: Delivering on the Paris Agreement and the SDGs." New York, July 2019.
Water-Energy End Use Efficiency
Major savings in water and energy consumption can be achieved at the point of end use. In general, a reduction in water use will imply a reduction in energy use and of corresponding CO2 emissions. In many regions, the energy consumption for water systems at the point of end use represents around 80% of the overall energy use for water. Therefore, many regulations and policies related to demand-side management translate into synergies that effectively contribute to more sustainable water-energy systems. The positive impacts of such policies and regulations could be considerable in major economic sectors including the residential, commercial, manufacturing and industrial sectors.