"Dans l¡¯humanitaire on voit le meilleur et le pire de l¡¯humanit¨¦"
Dans cette interview, Sara Rijavec, charg¨¦e de coordination civilo-militaire pour OCHA, partage comment, malgr¨¦ les d¨¦fis, sa motivation et sa foi dans le syst¨¨me humanitaire n¡¯ont jamais faibli.
Une ¨¦quipe dirig¨¦e par Najla Nassif Palma, D¨¦fenseure des droits des victimes aupr¨¨s des Nations Unies, donne la priorit¨¦ aux droits des victimes d¡¯exploitation et d¡¯abus sexuels.
L'¨¦quipe de Chronique ONU souhaite partager avec vous la s¨¦lection suivante d'articles r¨¦cemment publi¨¦s.
Zein Tayyeb, sp¨¦cialiste des affaires humanitaires au bureau r¨¦gional pour le Moyen-Orient et l¡¯Afrique du Nord d¡¯OCHA, joue un r?le crucial dans l¡¯acc¨¨s et la coordination civilo-militaire.
Derniers rapports

World Economic Situation Prospects 2025
This report shows that the global economy is finally recovering following a sequence of shocks. Inflation is falling and economic growth¡ªwhile slower than before the pandemic¡ªhas stabilized. In response, Central Banks are lowering interest rates, easing borrowing for much needed investments. In response, Central Banks are lowering interest rates, easing borrowing for much needed investments. But the world still faces challenges that slow the rate of economic progress and the pursuit of better lives for all.

2024 UNCCD Report: Stepping back from the precipice: Transforming land mgmt. to stay within planetary boundaires
This report highlights the planetary boundaries framework, a critical scientific tool to understand the complex interdependencies between land, climate, biodiversity and water, among other Earth system components, offering policymakers a focused lens through which to view the potential risks and rewards of different land-use decisions.

is the most pervasive human rights violation. The gender-related killings of women and girls represent the lethal end point of a continuum of gender-based violence, and they usually follow prior experiences of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.
With the aim of galvanizing global action against this crime, the and are publishing this second joint publication with global estimates of gender-related killings of women and girls by an intimate partner or family member, with data from 2022.
Coup de projecteur
![]() Because of human action the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is reaching dangerous levels, driving Earth's temperatures higher and amplifying the frequency and intensity of extreme events. Built upon frontier scientific work, this platform visualizes hyperlocal human impacts of climate chnage and its effets on human security for more than 24,000 regions across the world. |
![]() UN Efforts to Address Racism¡°Racism is an evil infecting countries and societies around the world ¨C a deeply entrenched legacy of colonialism and enslavement. The results are devastating: opportunities stolen; dignity denied; rights violated; lives taken andlives destroyed.¡± said the Secretary-General Ant¨®nio Guterres on 14 March 2024. See . |
![]() Cartes d¡¯information : l¡¯action de l¡¯ONU en 10 pointsL¡¯¨¦dition 2024 des cartes d¡¯information propose une mise ¨¤ jour de 10 actions entreprises par les Nations Unies qui montrent en termes quantifiables l¡¯impact du travail quotidien du personnel de l¡¯Organisation sur la vies de millions de personnes dans le monde. |
![]() Translating the 2030 Agenda into national plans - a combined effortThere are indications that there has been a recent rise in the number of countries with some form of national development strategy or plan, aimed at implementing sustainable development across its economic, social and environmental dimensions. Read more |