
? propos du Forum


Dans la r¨¦solution de l'Assembl¨¦e g¨¦n¨¦rale, les ?tats Membres ont convenu d'examiner les progr¨¨s r¨¦alis¨¦s aux niveaux local, national, r¨¦gional et mondial dans la mise en ?uvre du (GCM) dans le cadre de l'ONU par le biais d'une approche dirig¨¦e par les ?tats et avec la participation de toutes les parties prenantes concern¨¦es.


Les ?tats Membres ont en outre d¨¦cid¨¦ que :

Construire la coop¨¦ration et les partenariats aux niveaux national, r¨¦gional et mondial


Le Forum

Le Forum quadriennal d'examen des migrations internationales (Forum) se tiendra au plus haut niveau politique possible, y compris les chefs d'?tat ou de gouvernement.

Il est ouvert ¨¤ la participation de tous les ?tats membres de l'ONU et de tous les membres des institutions sp¨¦cialis¨¦es qui ont le statut d'observateur aupr¨¨s de l'Assembl¨¦e g¨¦n¨¦rale.

Format details

In (¡°Format and organizational aspects of the international migration review forums¡±), the General Assembly decides that the Forum will consist of:



The four round tables will offer space for discussion covering all 23 objectives of the with the aim of reviewing the progress made in its implementation at all levels, bearing in mind that the Global Compact is based on a set of cross-cutting and interdependent guiding principles.

Background notes

Please refer to the resources section for related background notes and documents.

GCM Objectives

All 23 objectives of the Global Compact shall be covered in the following indicative way:

Round table one

(2) Minimize adverse drivers, (5) Regular pathways, (6) Recruitment and decent work, (12) Screening and referral, and (18) Skills development and recognition

icons for the GCM objectives

Round table two

(4) Legal identity and documentation, (8) Save lives, (9) Counter smuggling, (10) Eradicate trafficking, (11) Manage borders, (13) Alternatives to detention, and (21) Dignified return and reintegration

icons for the GCM objectives

Round table three

(14) Consular protection, (15) Access to basic services, (16) Inclusion and social cohesion, (19) Migrant and diaspora contributions, (20) Remittances, and (22) Social protection

icons for the GCM objectives

Round table four

(1) Data, (3) Information provision, (7) Reduce vulnerabilities, (17) Eliminate discrimination and (23) International cooperation

icons for the GCM objectives


Policy debate

The (IOM), as Coordinator of the Network, will facilitate the policy debate focusing on challenges in the implementation of the , including the with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the capacity-building mechanism and contemporary and emerging issues related to migration.

The policy debate will also consider possible guidance for the United Nations system to strengthen its efforts in improving system-wide effectiveness and coherence and in supporting Member States in implementing the Global Compact, upon the request of Member States, based on their national policies and priorities.