Julia A. Maciel
- Diplomatic Studies. Oxford University Postgraduate Programme in Foreign Service and Diplomatic Study (Chevening). England (1998)
- Diplomacy. Diplomatic and Consular Academy of Asunción. Paraguay (1997)
- Master of Architecture & Planning. Ball State University. USA (Fulbright) (1990)
- Bachelor of Architecture. Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Paraguay (1988)
- Member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ). (2018-present). Vice-Chair (2019-2020)
- Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Paraguay to the United Nations. NY. (2011-2017)
- Technical Advisor to the Vice President and President of Paraguay. (2008-2011)
- Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank. IDB /CISNI. (2006-2007)
- Minister-Executive Secretary, Ministry of Planning for Economic and Social Development (STP). (2004-2005) (First woman Minister)
- Technical Coordinator for International Cooperation Reform Program. USAID/ARD. (2001-2003)
- Medalla Municipal al Mérito Domingo Martinez de Irala by the Capital City of Asunción, Paraguay (2020)
- La Orden Nacional al Mérito by the Government of Paraguay (2019)
- L’Ordre National du Méritee by the Government of the Republic of France (2006)
- Chevening Fellowship by the British Government Chevening Foundation (1997)
- Fulbright Fellowship by the Government of the United States(1989)
- Fellowship by the Government of Korea. Seoul, Korea (2009)
- Fellowship by the English Speaking Union. Oxford, England (1998)
- Outstanding Junior of the Year by the Junior Chamber of Asunción, Paraguay (1998)
- Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Foundation. Ambassador of Good Will, USA (2008)
- AFS-International Intercultural Programs Fellow, New York, USA (1979)

2024 - 2026
2021 - 2023
2018 - 2020