Security Council
Public discussions and closed consultations
Under the , Security Council functions and powers include maintenance of international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations, and as such, may take military action against an aggressor.
The geospatial services liaise closely with the Security Council Affairs Division to provide geospatial and cartographic support to the daily work of the Council, especially during its informal meetings and at times to support the preparation of Council missions to countries and regions of concern.
In the context of Security Council public or closed consultations, cartographic support facilitates the visualization of the deployment of peacekeepers. Peacekeeping deployment maps are produced as official maps of the United Nations and are integral parts of the Secretary-General's reports to the Security Council for mission mandates.
These deployment maps reflect the latest status of military or police deployments in peacekeeping missions or special political missions by troop contribution, police contribution or military observers of United Nations Member States. Deployment maps are prepared in consultation with the Secretariat and the respective field missions.
Custom cartographic support visualizing security threats or trend analysis, or satellite imagery may also be requested by the Security Council.
Sanctions Committees and Panels of Experts
Sanctions Committees are one of the mechanisms used by the Security Council to monitor the implementation of the sanction’s regimes. Panels of Experts support the Sanctions Committees by providing substantive work and reports related to investigation, research and monitoring of the implementation of sanctions.
In this context and in coordination with the Security Council Affairs Division, geospatial services have been provided to the Panels of Experts in support of their investigations and monitoring of the implementation of sanctions measures. Earth observation tools and satellite imagery intelligence are used to complement and substantiate the findings and provide evidence based on their needs and expertise such as on non-proliferation, threats and security, nuclear issues, armed groups, natural resources, humanitarian and human rights violations.
For more information, consult the section on Sanctions Committees and Panels of Experts to the Security Council.
The following is a list of pages with links in the final annual reports of the Panels of Experts with products assisted by Geospatial Information Section (GIS) since 2012:
Panel of Experts |
Report date |
Pages which include geospatial products |
Full report |
14/06/2012 |
From 45 to 50 (link) |
11/06/2013 |
From 71 to 74 (link) |
06/03/2014 |
From 65 to 68 (link) |
23/02/2015 |
From 81 to 84 & from 90 to 92 (link) |
Yemen |
20/02/2015 |
Page 54 (link) |
South Sudan |
26/01/2016 |
From 54 to 62 (link) |
22/02/2016 |
From 91 to 98 (link) |
Yemen |
22/01/2016 |
From 200 to 259 (link) |
Yemen |
27/01/2017 |
Pages 15, 30, 32 & from 79 to 82 (link) |
27/02/2017 |
From 101 to 105, page 123 & from 126 to 129 (link) |
South Sudan |
13/04/2017 |
Page 51 (link) |
Sudan |
28/12/2017 |
Page 37 (link) |
Yemen |
26/01/2018 |
Pages 17, 25, 52, 79, 249, 286 & 309 (link) |
Yemen |
25/01/2019 |
Pages 18, 19 & 104 (link) |
05/03/2019 |
From 352 to 355, pages 357 & 358 (link) |
Libya |
09/12/2019 |
Pages 17, 33, 36, 90, 91 & 150 (link) |
Yemen |
27/01/2020 |
Pages 20, 85, 89 & 114 (link) |
South Sudan |
28/04/2020 |
Page 31 (link) |
Somalia |
28/09/2020 |
Pages 84, 85, 88, 89, 92 (link) |
Yemen |
25/01/2021 |
Pages 10, 22, 26, 29, 62, 104, 105, 108, 152 (link) |
Libya |
08/03/2021 |
Pages 16, 439 (link) |
Somalia |
06/10/2021 |
Pages 50, 54, 55 (link) |
Yemen |
26/01/2022 |
Pages 9, 20, 24, 29, 32, 61, 119, 120 (link) |
Libya |
27/05/2022 |
Pages 22, 96, 123, 320, 355 (link) |
Somalia |
10/10/2022 |
Pages 76, 80 (link) |
Yemen |
21/02/2023 |
Pages 9, 14, 18, 136 (link) |