From the UN Secretary-General
UN Response
The UN Secretary-General has launched the UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 to save lives, protect societies, recover better. As part of the response, the UN Secretary-General is issuing policy briefs to provide ideas to governments on how to address the consequences of this crisis.
Communications to Member States
- 23 September 2022 - Secretary-General's remarks at the High-Level Event Implementation of the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions
- 23 September 2022 - Secretary-General's remarks to the High-level Event on Ending the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Equitable Access To Tests, Treatments and Vaccines
- 9 February 2022 - Remarks at the ACT-Accelerator Campaign Launch
- 28 September 2021 - Remarks to High-Level Meeting on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond: Jobs and Social Protection for Poverty Eradication
- 9 July 2021 - Remarks to Third G20 Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
- 18 June 2021 - Remarks to Joint Thematic Event of the General Assembly and ECOSOC on Least Developed Countries: Diversifying the Financing Toolbox to Enhance Investment in Least Developed Countries
- 25 May 2021 - Remarks to the Global Roundtable on Transforming Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development
- 26 April 2021 - Remarks to event on pandemic preparedness and response financing architecture
- 12 April 2021 - Remarks to the 2021 Economic and Social Council Forum on Financing for Development
- 6 April 2021 - Remarks at the Leaders' Dialogue on the Africa COVID-Climate Emergency: Delivering the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Programme
- 29 March 2021 - Opening remarks to High-Level Event on Debt and Liquidity ()
- 17 February 2021- Remarks to the Security Council Open Meeting on Ensuring Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines in Contexts Affected by Conflict and Insecurity
- 28 January 2021 - Remarks to Member States on Priorities for 2021
- 19 January 2021 - Video message for UK Cabinet Office event themed: &How can we ensure that no country is left behind in the fight against COVID-19*
- 3 December 2020 - Remarks to the General Assembly Special Session in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 24 November 2020 - Opening remarks at the Third Roundtable of Renowned Economists on Rebirthing the Global Economy
- 22 November 2020 - Remarks at G20 Riyadh Summit
- 28 October 2020 - Video message to the Ministerial Meeting of the OECD Council, 28-29 October
- 27 October 2020 - Remarks to the Nordic Council
- 25 October 2020 - Video message for the World Health Summit
- 12 October 2020 - Video remarks to Fourth Meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action
- 10 October 2020 - Video message to World Health Organization's ※BIG EVENT§ on Mental Health
- 8 October 2020 - Video message to the Ministerial Meeting on Universal Health Coverage
- 30 September 2020 - Welcome remarks to high-level side event on the ACT-Accelerator
- 29 September 2020 - Opening remarks at High-Level Meeting on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond
- 24 September 2020 - Briefing to the Security Council on Global Governance Post-COVID-19
- 2 September 2020 - Remarks at Aqaba Process Virtual Meeting on COVID-19 Response
- 17 July 2020 - Remarks to High-level segment of the United Nations Economic and Social Council on ※Multilateralism After COVID-19: What kind of UN do we need at the 75th anniversary?§
- 1 July 2020 - Remarks at Roundtable on Sustainable Development
- 30 June 2020 - Welcome remarks at Virtual High-level Meeting: Trends, Options and Strategies in Poverty Eradication
- 4 June 2020 - Video message to Global Vaccine Summit
- 3 June 2020 - Remarks to Extraordinary Inter-Sessional Summit of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States
- 2 June 2020 - Remarks to the Yemen Pledging Conference
- 28 May 2020 - Closing remarks to High-Level Event on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond
- 28 May 2020 - Remarks to High-Level Event on Financing for Development
- 22 May 2020 - Remarks to OIC Member States on "COVID-19 Solidarity: Promoting Co-Existence and Shared Responsibility"
- 20 May 2020 - Remarks to the Africa Dialogue Series on COVID-19 and Silencing the Guns in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
- 19 May 2020 - Remarks to the ECOSOC Operational Activities Segment
- 18 May 2020 - Remarks to the World Health Assembly
- 12 May 2020 - Remarks at high-level video conference entitled "The Role of Religious Leaders in Addressing the Multiple Challenges of COVID-19" ()
- 4 May 2020 - Message to summit-level meeting of Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group in response to COVID-19
- 4 May 2020 - Remarks to High-Level Dialogue on Press Freedom and Tackling Disinformation in the COVID-19 Context
- 4 May 2020 - Remarks at on-line pledging event for Coronavirus Global Response: Joining Forces to Accelerate the Development Production and Equitable Access to new COVID Vaccines, Diagnostics and Therapeutics
- 24 April 2020 - Remarks at the launch of the Statement of Commitment and Call for Support for the Global Collaboration to Accelerate the Development, Production and Equitable Access to New COVID-19 Tools
- 23 April 2020 - Remarks to the ECOSOC Forum on Financing Sustainable Development in the Context of COVID-19
- 17 April 2020 - Remarks to virtual IMF/World Bank High-level Meeting Mobilizing with Africa
- 16 April 2020 - Remarks at virtual meeting with the African Group
- 9 April 2020 - Remarks to the Security Council on the COVID-19 pandemic
- 27 March 2020 - Briefing to Member States on the Organization's Response to COVID-19
- 23 March 2020 - Letter from the Secretary-General to all the members of the G-20
Communications to the Press
Opening remarks at virtual press conference at the G7 Summit, UK, 11 June 2021
Opening remarks at joint press conference on High-Level Event on Debt and Liquidity with Prime Ministers Andrew Holness (Jamaica) and Justin Trudeau (Canada), 29 March 2021 ()
Opening remarks to the press following briefing to member states priorities for 2021, 28 January 2021
Opening remarks at press briefing prior to the G20 Summit, 20 November 2020
Press Conference on the launch of the UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19, 25 June 2020
Press Briefing, 30 April 2020: | Transcript |
Press briefing to update on Appeal for A Global Ceasefire following the Outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) (3 April 2020)
Virtual press encounter to launch the Report on the Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19 (31 March 2020)
Virtual press encounter on COVID-19 Crisis (19 March 2020)
Opinion Pieces
Global Wake-Up Call (1 July 2020)
We Need to Take Action to Address the Mental Health Crisis in This Pandemic (21 May 2020)
COVID-19 is unlikely to leave Africa unscathed (20 May 2020)
The pandemic is exposing and exploiting inequalities of all kinds, including gender inequality (30 April 2020)
A Time to Save the Sick and Rescue the Planet (28 April 2020)
COVID-19: We will come through this together (13 March 2020)
- United Nations Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 - 2021 Update
- Investing in Jobs and Social Protection for Poverty Eradication and a Sustainable Recovery
- Transforming Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development
- Liquidity and Debt Solutions to Invest in the SDGs: The Time to Act is Now
- COVID-19 and Universal Health Coverage
- UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19
- COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism
- Education during COVID-19 and beyond
- The Impact of COVID-19 on South-East Asia
- COVID-19 in an Urban World
- Tackling Inequality: A New Social Contract for a New Era
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Arab Region
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Latin America and the Caribbean
- COVID-19 and People on the Move
- The World of Work and COVID-19
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Food Security and Nutrition
- Impact of COVID-19 in Africa
- COVID-19 and the need for action on mental health
Download EPUB file* - A Disability-Inclusive Response to COVID-19
Download the easy to read MS Word document
Download EPUB file*
- The Impact of COVID-19 on older persons
* - A UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to COVID-19
* - COVID-19 and Human Rights: We are all in this together
* - Debt and COVID-19: A Global Response in Solidarity
* - The Impact of COVID-19 on Children
* - The Impact of COVID-19 on Women
* - Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19
* - The Secretary-General*s UN Response and Recovery Fund
* Please ensure that you have downloaded the proper accessibility software and tools prior to reading these accessible e-books to experience all of the specialized features and functionality.
Communications to Staff
- Letter to staff in New York with an update on work arrangements at UNHQ (28 October 2021)
- Letter to staff in New York on the resumption of in-person work (3 June 2021)
- Letter to staff In New York on phased return to premises (21 April 2021)
- Letter to staff in New York on phased return to premises (5 February 2021)
- Letter to staff in New York on COVID-19 measures (19 November 2020)
- Letter on COVID-19 SOPs (4 November 2020)
- Letter regarding phase 2 of return to the Headquarters complex (30 July 2020)
- Letter regarding the phased reopening of UNHQ (8 July 2020)
- Letter on extention of telecommuting through 31 July (12 June 2020)
- (11 May 2020)
- (17 April 2020)
- (31 March)
- (23 March)