
Project of Assistance to Strengthen Participation in and Implementation of the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA)

Promoting awareness of the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement and building the capacity of developing States to fully and effectively implement its provisions

About the Agreement

UNFSA is a 1995 implementing agreement to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) that sets out the legal regime for the conservation and management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks, with a view to ensuring their long-term conservation and sustainable use (more here). States Parties to UNFSA, individually and through regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements (RFMO/As), have to undertake various actions to strengthen the governance of fisheries, so as to improve the status and long-term sustainability of the covered fish stocks. Improved implementation of UNFSA would thus contribute to meeting the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, most notably targets 14.4 and 14c. 

However, participation in UNFSA, as well as its full and effective implementation, have been limited by a lack of awareness of the provisions of UNFSA and a lack of capacity to implement them, particularly in developing States.

What is the UNFSA Project of Assistance?

The UNFSA Project of Assistance is a capacity building project that aims at strengthening the full and effective implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) related to the Agreement for the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (UNFSA). UNFSA POA is implemented by the Division of Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea in cooperation with FAO and it is possible thanks to the contribution of the European Union to the UNFSA Part VII Assistance Fund


Why a UNFSA Project of Assistance?

The resumed Review Conference in 2016 expressed concern that, according to the Secretary General´s report, the overall status of highly migratory fish stocks and straddling fish stocks had not improved since 2006 and 2010. The status of a significant number of stocks had deteriorated even as it had improved for a smaller number of stocks. These findings underscore the importance of creating the UNFSA POA to address these gaps and promote wider participation and effective implementation of the Agreement.


Awareness-raising materials on the benefits of participation in UNFSA, as well as the full and effective implementation of its provisions


Project Objectives

The UNFSA POA seeks to improve the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks by strengthening participation in UNFSA and the full and effective implementation of its provisions, particularly by developing States.

The project outputs are:

  • Awareness-raising materials on the benefits of participation in UNFSA, as well as the full and effective implementation of its provisions
  • Promote full and effective implementation of UNFSA by furthering its understanding and awareness.
  • Demand-driven technical assistance to strengthen capacity of developing States Parties to implement UNFSA.
  • Promoting UNFSA at the international level through information dissemination, monitoring developments of the Review Conference.


The United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement

Five Benefits of Becoming Party to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement

Five Benefits of Becoming Party to the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA)

30 Years of Achievements - UNFSA

Achievements of the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement - 30 years

Latest Developments


Technical cooperation

Demand-driven technical assistance to strengthen capacity of developing States Parties to implement UNFSA.
  • Bilateral assistance to developing States 
  • Needs assessment
  • Legal and Policy Framework Review
  • Policy Recommendations

International implementation

Promoting UNFSA at the international level through information dissemination, monitoring developments of the Review Conference, with a view to identifying potential areas on which to focus future work to strengthen implementation of UNFSA at the international level.


Project Vacancies

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