
Opening Remarks by Ms. Rabab Fatima at the IDA21: Delivering Results at a Time of Crisis

President Ajay Banga, Hon¡¯ble Ministers, Excellencies, 

It is an honor to join you at this critical moment for global development and the 21st replenishment of IDA. The stakes are high, and the challenges before us are immense.

As the UN High Representative for the world's 92 most vulnerable countries - the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - I stress the urgent need for affordable and concessional financing. 

These countries, home to 1.3 billion people, or 15% of the global population, are grappling with the lingering impacts of the pandemic and other overlapping global crises. 

Of the 77 IDA-eligible countries, 65 - or 84% fall within my Office's mandate, underscoring IDA's critical alignment with their needs. 

Since its inception, IDA has provided vital support for infrastructure, healthcare, and rapid crisis responses. However, as global challenges mount, it is imperative that the support for IDA is further scaled up. 

The UN Secretary-General has called for enhanced contributions to IDA21 - not just to fund it, but to reaffirm our shared commitment to global stability and progress.

 While the $4 trillion financing gap for SDGs looms large, a robust IDA replenishment can catalyze progress towards the 2030 Agenda, particularly for the LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS.

Allow me to highlight 3 areas of particular concern, although this is by no means an exhaustive list: 

First, on Climate Resilience:

IDA countries are disproportionately affected by climate change, with disaster costs doubling over the past decade. 

The IDA21 replenishment must significantly scale up investments in climate adaptation to help these countries withstand extreme weather events and environmental degradation.

Preventive measures, such as early warning systems for all, are essential to mitigate risks and build resilience.

Second, on Concessional Financing and Debt Sustainability:

31 of the 92 most vulnerable countries are either in, or at high risk of, debt distress. They struggle to access concessional financing, further exacerbating their multi-dimensional vulnerabilities.

The recently adopted MVI by the UNGA, is a step in the right direction, ensuring that vulnerable countries receive enhanced and tailored support to build resilience.  

Finally, Fragility and Conflict:

More than 30 IDA countries are affected by fragility and conflict. By 2030, two-thirds of the world¡¯s extreme poor are expected to live in these areas. 

IDA¡¯s investments in fragile contexts are not just critical to global stability, but to the sustainable development of these countries, most of which are LDCs. 


A fully funded IDA21 is not just a financial imperative - it is a lifeline for the world¡¯s most vulnerable countries. 

The road ahead is challenging, but this is our moment to act with resolve. We must harness the political will, strengthen partnerships, and demonstrate the unwavering commitment necessary to secure a successful and impactful IDA21 replenishment. 

The UN stands ready to support you in this endeavor.

I thank you.