Annual Ministerial Meeting of Landlocked Developing Countries' Foreign Ministers

Partnering for accelerated implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action and achieving sustainable development in LLDCs in the era of COVID-19
Foreign Ministers of all LLDCs will gather at the 2020 United Nations General Assembly to agree priorities to be implemented in the remaining five years of the Vienna Programme of Action. Because they lack direct access to the sea and seaborne trade, the challenges of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) are compounded by cumbersome transit and border procedures, and reliant on the often inadequate transport infrastructure of their coastal transit neighbours.
LLDCs therefore face high trade costs, which remain a major stumbling block for more full integration into the global economy. This, in turn, hinders their overall development. The Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) for LLDCs aims to address these challenges in a coherent and integrated manner as part of the .
The COVID-19 pandemic and its unprecedented socio-economic impacts threaten to reverse progress made in the implementation of the VPoA and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. as well as derails the efforts to implement the Decade for Action.
Strengthening partnerships, in particular between LLDCs, transit countries, development partners, relevant UN agencies and other international organisations and the private sector, will be fundamental to achieve the VPoA targets and SDGs.
As the international community embarks on the Decade of Action to deliver on the SDGs by 2030 and strives to accelerate the implementation of the VPoA, greater support for LLDCs is essential.
2020 also marks the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations. To mark the occasion, the UN General Assembly will gather under the theme, ¡®The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism.¡¯
This Ministerial meeting will contribute to the discussions to commemorate the 75th Anniversary to enhance global cooperation to achieve SDGs.
The key objectives of the Ministerial Meeting include the following:
- Review the progress made by the LLDCs in the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, identify challenges faced and share knowledge, experiences and innovative approaches;
- Discuss the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 on LLDCs, share national experiences and identify recommendations for mitigating its impact.
- Identify opportunities for strengthening synergies between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Decade for Action, and the Vienna Programme of Action at the national level in LLDCs, as well as regional and global levels;
- Identify innovative mechanisms for partnership building and resource mobilization to accelerate the implementation of the VPoA and the achievement of the SDGs by LLDCs.
- Discuss the implementation of the Decade for Action by LLDCs.
- Adopt the Ministerial Declaration and launch the UN Roadmap for Accelerated Implementation of the VPoA.
The Ministerial Meeting will reinforce their political commitment to the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action. They will also recommit to the outcome of the comprehensive High-Level Midterm Review, as well as the Decade for Action with a view to accelerating their implementation and achieve the SDGs in LLDCs.
The meeting will contribute to the discussions on the commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the UN. The meeting will also share experiences on addressing the impact of COVID-19 and provide recommendations. The meeting will adopt a Ministerial Declaration of the Group of Landlocked Developing Countries as well as the UN Roadmap for Accelerated Implementation of the VPoA. The Ministerial meeting adopts and aims to successfully launch its implementation.
The Ministerial Meeting will be attended by Ministers and High-Level officials from the 32 LLDCs. Ministers and High-Level Officials from transit developing countries, development partners and high-level representatives of the UN system and other international and regional organizations will also be invited to participate.
- H.E. Mr. Mukhtar Tileuberdi
- H.E. Mr. Volkan Bozkir
- Mr. Antonio Guterres
- Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa 'Utoikamanu
Ministers and Representatives of LLDCs
- Paraguay (Spanish and English)
- Kyrgyzstan (English) | (Russian)
- Armenia (First Statement) | (Second Statement)
- Azerbaijan (First Statement) | (Second Statement)
- Nepal
- Lesotho
- Bhutan
- Tajikistan
- Botswana
- Malawi
- Rwanda
- Ethiopia
- Afghanistan
- Zimbabwe
- Bolivia (Spanish)
- Lao
- Burkina Faso (French)
- Mongolia
- Niger (French)
- Uzbekistan
Development Partners, International and Regional Organizations
- Denmark
- Qatar
- Austria
- Turkey
- Russia (English) | (Russian)
- Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
- International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
- International Development Law Organization (IDLO)
- World Customs Organization (WCO)
- International Seabed Authority (ISA)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- Islamic Development Bank
- United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
(The following country and organizations could not speak during the meeting due to time constraints, but provided their remarks for the meeting)
- Uganda
- Common Fund for Commodities
- International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
- International Trade Centre (ITC)
- International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITT LLDC)
- United Nations Framework Convenction on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Background Materials
- Concept Note
- Flyer
- Media Advisory
- Ministerial Declaration (adopted)
- Summary Report of the Meeting and List of Attendees
Other Materials
- Annual 2020 Report of the UN Secretary-General on the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014-2024
- Roadmap for Accelerated Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for LLDCs in the Remaining Five Years
- Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- The Addis Ababa Action Agenda
- Report of the Annual Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries held in 2019 (Ministerial Declaration
- COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan
- Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 (UN Secretary General Report)
- LLDCs Statement and Call for Action on COVID-19
- Joint UN Call for Smooth Transit and Transport Facilitation to and from Landlocked Developing Countries
- Joint Statement on Facilitating Trade snd Transit During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Photo: Communities participate in consultative workshops to develop district plans on addressing climate change and food insecurity in Lesotho.