Workshop on Mainstreaming and Monitoring the Implementation of the Doha Programme of Action for the LDCs (DPoA)
The Doha Programme of Action for the LDCs (DPoA) sets forth ambitious targets and goals to achieve sustainable, resilient and transformative development for the decade 2022-2031. Effective follow-up and robust monitoring are crucial for the successful implementation of the DPoA. At the meeting of the LDCs National Focal Points (LDCs NFPs) held last year, participants underscored the critical need for capacity building and exchange of best practices to effectively integrate the DPoA into national development agendas and ensure rigorous monitoring of its implementation.
In close consultation with the LDCs including the NFPs, the Office of the UN Resident Coordinators in the LDCs and the UN Inter-agency Consultative Group on the LDCs, OHRLLS has developed the Guidelines for Mainstreaming and Monitoring the Implementation of the DPoA. These guidelines offer practical, step-by-step directives and tools to assist governments and other national players in the LDCs in incorporating the DPoA into the national development plans and establishing robust monitoring mechanisms. The guidelines also serve as a useful reference for the UN Country Teams in the LDCs to provide enhanced support in this regard.
This year¡¯s meeting of the LDCs NFPs aims to launch the Guidelines and provide orientation of tools designed for mainstreaming and monitoring of the implementation of the DPoA. Participants will engage in extensive discussions on the application of these guidelines within respective national contexts. The workshop is part of the efforts of OHRLLS to bolster the capacity of the LDCs in the effective implementation of the DPoA. The workshop will draw participation from policymakers responsible for national development and planning in the LDCs, LDCs National Focal Points, representatives of the UN Resident Coordinators in the LDCs and representatives from the Government of Tš¹rkiye.
The workshop is organized with the generous support and contribution of the Government of Tš¹rkiye.
- Information Note
- Programme (English | French)
- Guidelines for Mainstreaming and Monitoring the Implementation of the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries (English | French)
- Evaluation Report
- Summary Report
Statements & Presentations
24 July (Wednesday)
Opening session
- Statement by H.E. Ms. Rabab Fatima, Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS
- Remarks by Ambassador Esen Altu?, Director General for International Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Tš¹rkiye
Session 1: Introduction: setting the scene
- Presentation on the Roadmap for the Implementation of the DPoA and updates on the implementation of the deliverables of the DPoA by Mr. Md. Abdul Alim, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UN-OHRLLS
- Presentation on the Guidelines for Mainstreaming and Monitoring the Implementation of the DPoA by the facilitator Mr. Eric Akobeng
Session 2: Building awareness and applying multi-stakeholder approach
- Presentation on building awareness and applying multistakeholder approach by Mr. Eric Akobeng
- Presentation by Malawi
- Presentation by Solomon Islands
Session 3: Creating horizontal and vertical policy coherence
- Presentation on creating horizontal and vertical policy coherence by Mr. Eric Akobeng
- Presentation by Zambia
Session 4: Adapting the DPoA to national, subnational and local contexts
25 July (Thursday)
Session 5: Financing, budgeting, monitoring and reporting
Session 6: Mainstreaming the DPoA in LDCs in complex situations and risk assessment and resilience building
- Presentation on risk assessment and mainstreaming the DPoA in LDCs in complex situations by Mr. Eric Akobeng
- Update on the operational guidelines for the UN system support to countries in conflict and post conflict situations (DPoA 301) by Mr. Md Abdul Alim, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UN-OHRLLS
- Presentation by Haiti
Session 7: Presentation on implementation of the DPoA by LDCs
- Presentation by Benin
- Presentation by Burkina Faso
- Presentation by Burundi
- Presentation by Cambodia
- Presentation by Gambia
- Presentation by Guinea
- Presentation by Lesotho
- Presentation by Liberia
- Presentation by Nepal
- Presentation by Ethiopia
- Presentation by Mali
- Presentation by Rwanda
- Presentation by Sierra Leone
- Presentation by Tanzania
- Presentation by Timor-Leste
- Presentation by Uganda