
SIDS GBN Forum 2016 - Aruba

¡°Focus: The role of PPP in the Sustainable Development for SIDS¡±.

The Public, Private Partnerships Aruba Conference, or P3a, was jointly organised by the Netherlands, the UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States (UNOHRLLS), the Government of Aruba and the PPP Knowledge Center Aruba. 

The conference explored the potential for public-private partnerships for small islands, in the areas of oceans, connectivity (ICTs and transport), sustainable agriculture, sustainable tourism, renewable energy, infrastructure and finance. 

The conference brought together representatives from small island developing States (SIDS) with public and private sector leaders to strengthen international cooperation toward achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through providing governments, private companies, financial institutions and knowledge centers the opportunity to showcase and discuss upcoming and ongoing PPP projects that are of mutual interest. 

The conference officially launched the SIDS Global Business Network to link up the three SIDS regions, allowing for a better exchange of experiences and best practices. 

Forum objectives

Two key outcomes of the P3a Conference are to bring ideas to reality and the establishment of the SIDS Global Business Network to better link the three SIDS regions together, allowing for a better exchange of experiences and best practices as well as follow-up on the announcement made at the Samoa forum.

  • Oceans
    SIDS are at the forefront of conservation and sustainable use of ocean and marine resources but are also among the most vulnerable nations to ocean and coastal degradation. This session will focus on sharing and scaling up the best practices on responsible PPPs including in areas of sustainable fishing and protecting the oceans and marine resources.
  • Connectivity (ICTs & Transport)
    Connectivity remains a crucial issue for SIDS including for accessing the international marketplace whether it be the transport of goods or telecommunications and internet based transactions. This session will focus on how partnerships can expedite and strengthen the progress in these and other related areas.
  • Sustainable Agriculture
    Sustainable agriculture is a bedrock of cultural and economic activities in SIDS. With the growth in international trade in organic agricultural products, private sector partners will be in a prime position to reinvigorate agricultural production in SIDS, contribute to the livelihoods of rural communities and increase export earnings.
  • Sustainable Tourism
    Private sector activities have been a proven cornerstone of the viability of the tourism sector in SIDS and thus reflect the importance of the sector in socio- economic development for SIDS. The session will explore how best tourism activities can be further expanded, where capacity allows, and be made more sustainable. Likewise consolidating strong forward and backward linkages of the tourism activities in SIDS and further strengthening institutional development would be critical areas for collaboration.
  • Renewable Energy
    Renewable energy to fuel the private sector growth in SIDS and to decrease the exposure to oil-price volatility. This session will discuss how SIDS can be the forerunners in switching to renewable energy by taking example of countries, which have already adopted strategies for 100% renewable energy future and scaling-up the existing initiatives.
  • Finance
    This session will focus on the cross cutting themes, including public finance, PPPs and governance, which needs to be addressed for creating conditions conducive to SIDS private sector growth and competitiveness.
  • Infrastructure
    From environmental protection to socio-economic activity, effective and sound infrastructure provides the basis upon which sustainable development is premised in SIDS. It is also an important cross-cutting issue which remains crucial for SIDS and has significant potential towards effective PPPs in SIDS.

Forum report

View the 2016 forum report

Partnerships and partnership announcements

  • The Kingdom of the Netherlands
    The Kingdom of the Netherlands is comprised of four autonomous countries: the Netherlands and three SIDS countries (Aruba, Curacao and St. Maarten). Our geographical and historical The United Nations Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked background as a Kingdom located in both Europe and the Caribbean has made it second nature for us to work in partnership with other countries towards a better common future. Our Kingdom is actively reaching out to countries that face challenges similar to ours.
    Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) is collaborating with the Government of Aruba on the P3a Conference. The P3a event is a follow up to a two day Private Sector Partnerships Forum organised by UN-OHRLLS at the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States in Samoa in 2014.
  • The Government of Aruba
    The Government of Aruba confirmed their continued investment in Kingdom partnerships and Public-Private Partnerships that have been fundamental in implementing innovative sustainable projects.
  • PPP Knowledge Center Aruba
    The PPP Knowledge Center Aruba partnered with the Government of Aruba in organizing the P3a Conference and will share their experience in Public-Private Partnerships with other SIDS, Small Scale Economies and countries all around the world attending the Conference.


View the 2016 forum programme


Speakers list unavailable


Session Notes

Session notes unavailable

Concept note

View the 2016 forum concept note

Info Package

View the 2016 forum info pack