
ADS2022: Day Seventeen

Celebrating Africa Day!

Today is Africa Day!

Africa Day is observed annually to commemorate the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), the precursor of the African Union (AU), which was created on 25 May 1963. The day provides an opportunity to celebrate the socio-economic achievements of the continent and her people*s heritage and shared values enshrined in the spirit of pan-Africanism.

The African Union's theme for 2022 is ※Strengthening resilience in nutrition and food security on the African continent: Strengthening agro-food systems, health and social protection systems for the acceleration of human, social and economic capital development.§ 

The theme for the UN Office of the Special Adviser on Africa's annual flagship event, the Africa Dialogue Series, is "Build resilience in nutrition: Accelerate Africa's human capital and socio-economic development."

Message from United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ant車nio Guterres

Message by United Nations Secretary-General Ant車nio Guterres on Africa Day 2022

Africa is a home for hope. On Africa Day, we celebrate the enormous promise and potential of this diverse and dynamic continent. 

The prospects on the horizon are bright 每 from Africa*s growing and vibrant youth population, to initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area, the Decade of Women*s Financial and Economic Inclusion, and the African Union*s bold vision for the future, Agenda 2063.

Read the full message.

Message from H.E Ambassador Josefa Sacko, Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission

Message by H.E. Josefa Sacko, African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture

H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union Commission, speaks about food security and nutrition in her message on Africa Day. 

Join the celebrations!

The Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union to the United Nations is commemorating Africa Day with a unique exhibition on African Agro-Food and nutrition, aligned with the theme of the year. 



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