
Sustaining Peace

Advancing multilateralism goes &hand-in-hand* with work of the UN


Revitalizing the United Nations to ※strengthen a multilateral rule-based world order§ tops a list of priorities the General Assembly President told UN Member States on Tuesday.

Convinced that ※revitalizing the UN and advancing multilateralism?go hand-in-hand§, Assembly President Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces said that she was engaging with world leaders in New York and abroad, ※to promote this objective§.

What Works in UN Resident Coordinator-Led Conflict Prevention: Lessons from the Field (UNU-CPR)


June 18, 2018 -?UN Secretary-General Ant車nio Guterres has placed conflict prevention at the top of his agenda. One of the key challenges he will face is that of making Resident Coordinators (RCs) in fragile and conflict-affected countries without peace operations more effective prevention actors.

Adopting Resolution 2413 (2018), Security Council Takes Note of Secretary General*s Proposals to More Speedily Implement United Nations Peacebuilding Agenda


The Security Council, acting in parallel with the General Assembly today, took note of a raft of proposals by Secretary?General Ant車nio Guterres on ways to accelerate the United Nations ※Peacebuilding and sustaining peace§ agenda, as well as the Assembly*s decision to track progress towards its implementation. ?(For more information, please see Press Release?GA/12014.)

General Assembly Concludes High-Level Debate on Sustaining Peace with Consensus Resolution Encouraging Further Action by United Nations, Member States


The General Assembly capped its high-level debate on peacebuilding and sustaining peace today with a consensus resolution welcoming the Secretary-General*s January?2018 report on those activities and deciding to further discuss his recommendations to address existing gaps.

At Security Council, UN chief calls for &quantum leap* in funding activities to prevent conflict, address root causes


Peacebuilding and sustaining peace requires a more coherent strategy across the United Nations system, as well a &quantum leap* in funding activities that prevent the outbreak, escalation, continuation and recurrence of conflict, Secretary-General Ant車nio Guterres said Wednesday.

Speakers Call for Addressing Causes of Conflict, Rather Than Investing in &Bullets and Tanks*, as General Assembly Continues High-Level Debate on Sustaining Peace


The General Assembly continued its high?level debate on peacebuilding and sustaining peace today with speakers underscoring the value of the Peacebuilding Fund, a people?centred approach to human security and the need to tackle poverty and other causes of violence by way of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Briefing Security Council, Secretary-General Calls for &Quantum Leap* in Funding Activities to Prevent Conflict, Address Root Causes


With the adoption of landmark resolutions on the concepts of peacebuilding and sustaining peace imminent, United Nations Secretary-General Ant車nio Guterres urged Member States to strengthen their focus on conflict prevention, address its root causes and embark on a ※quantum leap§ in funding those critical activities, in a briefing to the Security Council this afternoon.