PBF/LBR/B-4: Promoting Inclusive Political Participation and Elimination of Violence Against Women in Politics | English
PBF IRF 412 Liberia Sustainable and inclusive peace in Liberia through promoting women leadership | English
PBF/IRF- 411: Protection and Support of Enabling Environment for Women Human Rights Defenders and LGBTQI Rights Defenders in Liberia - PROSEED | English
IRF-346-347 - Liberia Cote dIvoire Cross border engagement to reinforce social cohesion and border | English
PBF/IRF-319: Advancing implementation of UNSCRs on Women Peace and Security (WPS) through strengthening accountability frameworks, innovative financing and Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) | English
PBF/LBR/B-3: Advancing Reconciliation through Legislative Reforms and Civic Engagement | English
PBF/LBR/D-15: Socio-Economic Empowerment of Disadvantaged (SEED) Youth in Liberia | English
IRF 170??Support to National Peacebuilding Priorities in Enhancing the Capacity of Human Rights Institutions and Entities |?EnglishPDF
IRF 228?Enhancing Youth Participation in 2017 Legislative and Presidential Electoral Process |?English
Evaluability Assessment?|?English
IRF 216 Final Evaluation Report Inclusive Security?|?English
IRF 229 Rule of Law Final Evaluation Report?|?English
IRF 230 Multistakeholder Platforms?|?English
IRF 238 Reel Peace?|?English
Strengthening Women's Rights and Participation in Peacebuilding?|?English
Evaluation of Priority Plans?| English