
Despite recent political and security challenges in the Sudan, Fund support for? the implementation of the Juba Agreement for Peace in the Sudan and local? peacebuilding remained steadfast. The core of the Fund¡¯s approach is that of financing?a comprehensive package of support in the five states of Darfur following the? withdrawal of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur. Many? of the efforts involve community-based conflict resolution mechanisms. Throughout? the five states, in places such as Jebel Moon, El Fasher, Yassin and Jebel Marra, the? mechanisms are improving local security by resolving hundreds of conflicts over? access to land and water and mediating sustainable agreements on future access? between hostile groups such as nomads and pastoralists or between local? administrations and displaced communities. The combined effect of the efforts has? contributed to improved perceptions of security and has encouraged increasing? numbers of displaced Sudanese to return home, as in Graida, in South Darfur, where? security improvements have been driven by a $3.3 million initiative of UNHCR,? UNDP and UNICEF through which new police stations have been built and law? enforcement personnel have been trained. Construction of new health facilities that? serve both nomadic and pastoralist communities and provision of legal aid are? meeting the non-security needs of both host communities and returnees and? promoting durable resettlement by reducing local tensions.

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Peacebuilders Corner - Sudan

  • Sec general
  • cover of themtic reviewe
  • Olu Arowobusoye-PBC Support Branch photo
  • Regional partner
  • Community engagement
  • Mother and daughter smiling
  • UN Meeting
  • community engagmente
  • UN meeting
  • Mother and daughter smiling
  • Portrait of Roselyn Akombe
  • PBSO leadership
  • Portrait of Elizabeth Spehar
  • Portait of Awa Dabo
  • public sector
  • UN Logo
  • Civil society