Peacebuilding Partners - Brazil
Brazil has been playing an important role in support of peacebuilding and sustaining peace at the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) and other fora, such as the Security Council, particularly during their recent mandate in this body (2022-23). Brazil took on the role as the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) for its 18th session on 2 February 2024. During the inauguration statement, Brazil set out priorities for its chairpersonship, including reinforcing of the nexus between sustainable development, human rights, and peace and security; promoting inclusivity, strengthening partnerships with IFIs and regional organizations, enhancing the Commission¡¯s advisory role to the Security Council and fostering closer collaboration with the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council. Brazil also expressed their interest in encouraging the Commission¡¯s role in support of South-South and triangular cooperation for peacebuilding, including through exchanges of experiences, good practices and lessons learned at the PBC. Brazil will lead the Commission¡¯s effort to broaden its impact on peacebuilding and sustaining peace.